Lyricfier is an electron app that communicates with Spotify Desktop Client to get the current song and then looks for a matching lyric scraping the web.
Go to Lyricfier releases page and download the zip file for your platform.
# clone the repo
git clone
# change dir
cd lyricfier
# take some coffee and download all the internet with yarn
yarn install
yarn start
We retrieve the current song of spotify client using the spotify built-in web server that allow us to ask for the current status of the player. The built-in web server could run in a range of ports starting at 4370. Lyricfier will launch multiple connections hoping find the actual port. You can read a more detailed explanation here: Deconstructing Spotify's built-in HTTP server
You can easily write a new scraping plugin. Just look at the folder render/plugins
for some inspiration.
Original Idea: @fedeisas
Bug fixes and lot of improvements @mrkmndz
UI/Design: @silvestreh