🛡 pbkdf2 plugin for credential-plus
This package is thought to be used in conjunction with credential-plus
If you find a security flaw in this code, please report it.
$ npm install --save credential-plus-pbkdf2
const credential = require('credential-plus');
// Hash and verify with pbkdf2 and default configs
credential.hash('We are all unicorns', {func: 'pbkdf2'}, (err, hash) => {
//=> {"hash":"{\"secret\":\"fo3R+bNr2guklSeg1FGoWGIpyrDQ03aPeoTxP90zkVWAISZFIO5S0qQTZtmAAyrmzJFEPdDxK6BX3P3jo+MtG+Fvk5qr+Tfrx2QqemQjrJOLN506SxnqvVs1tlm81QteAgZ5/ZCA55Onv5W9f/EkxgSyrCyqcdkKi/KFXmCRZj4=\",\"salt\":\"6CWbt59QA3jGeQuozB7RhIvRLHtueOu3wLl5eFmU/cCvezPgW0/VuU+estR8HCkgV8CSfP+KM06Sv+ounMBru3zqeuEqbVU+bnRMqbyxJlpD8D0lsytS29LgGNwRx3/UtB7JKsykyR3d4vRW2+2ZLOlcIoc2lnZ5SJXDh8RVkjY=\",\"iterations\":10000,\"keylen\":128,\"digest\":\"sha512\"}","func":"pbkdf2"}
credential.verify(hash, 'We are all unicorns', (match) =>{
//=> true
// Hash and verify with pbkdf2 and custom configs
credential.hash('We are all unicorns', {func: 'pbkdf2', digest: 'sha1', iterations: 15000}, (err, hash) => {
//=> {"hash":"{\"secret\":\"0SmO6mZB/pGebWX9rBhUDt06hkQ/2yV3Uso6qzyxEdNlXrvo5aX7QuLz9YlQc6iYbKSAO9s2OGi7V0B45TMzkmgQsFK+iFVqkbOlkk8ySyXHVrkISGZoIj9z+VLZ/3jaRCyDzI2dZfoR4IOI3GhYbK/c5jdTPO+YVp2zJHmNHOo=\",\"salt\":\"cxMTjM7yqvIfUoKjjC0nS5DBVXnQllT69DXrS89S2GmzxJrFZ44FCGwbydSQPE7RzzcDUo7C+l3nSh/79LUxWFhQzN7gaFNCKlBvMfSE4qFxU6jyqRTL12/XW1P7FxzE4dPSySXCql5GbryHJSWxofX7GljBKiVd+iYW4cfkUaM=\",\"iterations\":15000,\"keylen\":128,\"digest\":\"sha1\"}","func":"pbkdf2"}
credential.verify(hash, 'We are all unicorns', (match) =>{
//=> true
Creates a new 'unique' hash from a password.
Type: string
The password to hash.
Type: object
Configurations for the hash function.
Type: number
Default: 10000
The number of pbkdf2
The number of iterations recommended to ensure data safety changes every year as
technology improves.
Type: number
Default: 128
The length of the generated keys.
Type: string
Default: 'sha512'
The digest algorithm. Available options are: 'sha1'
, 'sha256'
, 'sha512'
Type: function
Called after the hash has been computed.
Type: object
Possible error thrown.
Type: object
The generated hash.
Determines whether or not the user's input matches the stored password.
Type: string
An hash generated from this package.
Type: string
User's input input.
Type: string
Called after the verification process has been computed.
Type: object
Possible error thrown.
Type: boolean
True if the hash computed for the input matches.
- Simone Primarosa - simonepri
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.