Releases: elytra/BetterBoilers
Quasi-Release 1.2.0: Up For Adoption
It's been a very long time since I opened this project up. I burnt out on Forge back in 2018, and have since not returned. I've instead been making mods on the Fabric toolchain, which I've found to be much more of an enjoyable experience. If something is getting in my way, I can work around it a lot more easily than I can with forge.
Because of that burnout, I never fully made it through the rework I wanted to add here. There are features and textures left incomplete, and they're likely never going to be completed. I've just run out of energy to care.
Because of that, this project is now up for adoption. I'm not fully sure of the state of the code in this repo, but I want this mod to still be around for those who want to use it. I have relicensed it to MIT, and anyone can contact me via an email ( or DM (b0undarybreaker on curseforge, on mastodon, or @b0undarybreaker#2106 in discord) if they would like to take up maintenance.
Thank you for using this mod, and I'm sorry I couldn't make it everything I wanted it to be.
Release 1.1.1: Scanning and Localization
- Fixed an issue where boiler size scanning didn't include itself.
- Fixed an issue where the controller unlocalized name collided with Storage Drawers.
Release 1.1: Textures and Pumps and Framework, oh my!
- Textures have been redone! The amazing folks on the Immersive Engineering team have given me permission to use the sheetmetal texture as a base for the new boiler textures, and they look amazing!
- Pump it up! Added the Boiler Pump, the first BOILER UPGRADE! Adding a Pump to your boiler will convert the boiler into a PUMP-FED BOILER, which generates steam constantly instead of on a cycle, but won't generate as much steam. Not only that, but the pump will AUTO-EJECT steam from your boiler at a rate of 50 mB/tick! Both this value and the pump penalty can be changed in config.
- You won't notice this, but a lot of the backend code is being worked on right now. The scanning method at the moment isn't the best, so we're rewriting the whole thing. That'll be done at some point in the future, but progress is starting now.
Thanks for using the mod! Be sure to file an issue if you have any ideas or find any problems!
Release 1.0.1: Framework and Balancing
Now that the 1.0 is out, I can focus on improvements to the boilers and preparing for larger updates. In this version:
- Added configuration for steam boiler properties.
- Multiplied the steam boil rate by five.
- Made slight modification to boiler block textures.
- Moved multiblock-scanning code into an abstract class to prepare for future controller types.
- Made water consumption dependent on steam production value in config
Release 1.0!
Woooo, BetterBoilers is in a releasable form! There's still a lot more to do in the future, but for now, here's the initial release!
Coming in the future:
- Fluid-fuel controller
- Compatibility with Thermionics heat
- Possibly more!