Simple application with Sinatra using Rspec and Guard.
- Ruby 2.3.3 version
- Rspec 3.5.0 version
- Sinatra 1.4.8 version
- Sinatra-contrib 1.4.7 version
- Guard 2.14.1 version
- Guard-livereload 2.5.2 version
- Guard-rspec 4.7.3 version
- Rack 1.6.5 version
- Rack-test 0.6.3 version
- Rack-livereload 0.3.16 version
- Foreman 0.83.0 version
- Json 1.8.3 version
- Terminal-notifier-guard 1.7.0 version
On terminal:
git clone
.cd basic-sinatra
.- Case have rvm it will prepare the environment, case doesn't have install it just continue.
bundle install
.- run
foreman start
In your browser access localhost:5000
Install terminal-notifier-guard for show message automatically on system. The messagens will appear automatically when change any .erb, .css, .js, spec_ and others. This can be configured in Guardfile of application.
For test was used Rspec.
- Should load the home page ok
- Should not load the home page
- Should load the other page
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at