is a placeholder package for some functions that I use in julia frequently.
So far the package provides a couple of functions
- tabulate some data (
) - winsorize some data (
) - fill unbalanced panel data (
) - some custom logging function (
Note that as the package grow in different directions, dependencies might become overwhelming. The readme serves as documentation; there might be more examples inside of the test folder.
is a not yet a registered package.
You can install it from github via
import Pkg
First import the monthly stock file and the compustat funda file
using DataFrames
using Prototypes
using PalmerPenguins
df = DataFrame(PalmerPenguins.load())
tabulate(df, :island)
tabulate(df, [:island, :species])
# If you are looking for groups by type (detect missing e.g.)
df = DataFrame(x = [1, 2, 2, "NA", missing], y = ["c", "c", "b", "z", "d"])
tabulate(df, [:x, :y], group_type = :type) # only types for all group variables
tabulate(df, [:x, :y], group_type = [:value, :type]) # mix value and types
using DataFrames
using Prototypes
using PalmerPenguins
df = DataFrame(PalmerPenguins.load())
winsorize(df.flipper_length_mm, probs=(0.05, 0.95)) # skipmissing by default
transform(df, :flipper_length_mm =>
(x->winsorize(x, probs=(0.05, 0.95), replace_value=missing)), renamecols=false)
df3 = DataFrame( # missing t=2 for id=1
id = ["a","a", "b","b", "c","c","c", "d","d","d","d"],
t = [Date(1990, 1, 1), Date(1990, 4, 1), Date(1990, 8, 1), Date(1990, 9, 1),
Date(1990, 1, 1), Date(1990, 2, 1), Date(1990, 4, 1),
Date(1999, 11, 10), Date(1999, 12, 21), Date(2000, 2, 5), Date(2000, 4, 1)],
v1 = [1,1, 1,6, 6,0,0, 1,4,11,13],
v2 = [1,2,3,6,6,4,5, 1,2,3,4],
v3 = [1,5,4,6,6,15,12.25, 21,22.5,17.2,1])
panel_fill(df3, :id, :t, [:v1, :v2, :v3],
gap=Month(1), method=:backwards, uniquecheck=true, flag=true, merge=true)
panel_fill(df3, :id, :t, [:v1, :v2, :v3],
gap=Month(1), method=:forwards, uniquecheck=true, flag=true, merge=true)
panel_fill(df3, :id, :t, [:v1, :v2, :v3],
gap=Month(1), method=:linear, uniquecheck=true, flag=true, merge=true)
Here is an example where you can create a custom logger and redirect logging to different files
"./log/logfile-prefix"; # where are the files generated (will generate 4 files for different log levels)
filtered_modules_all=[:HTTP], # filtering messages across all loggers from specific modules
filtered_modules_specific=[:TranscodingStreams], # filtering messages for stdout and info from specific modules
create_log_files=true, # if false all logs are written to a single file
log_date_format="yyyy-mm-dd", log_time_format="HH:MM:SS", # date and time formatting
displaysize=(50,100), # how much to show
overwrite=true # overwrite old logs
# if you have run the previous example
@info tabulate(df, :island, out=:string)
@warn tabulate(df, :island, out=:df)
@debug tabulate(df, :island)