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See ImportCBP.jl
which export two functions.
Using a collection of dates, download for a given level of aggregation for industry types (specify naics
or sic
depending on which years you want to download).
using FirmDynamics
df_CBP_naics = FirmDynamics.build_CBP(2018:2020,
aggregation=:county, industry=:naics);
A function aggregates directly the CBP into employment by cells (geographical unit x industry unit).
df_CBP_emp_naics4 = FirmDynamics.build_CBP_agg(2018:2020,
aggregation=:county, industry=:naics, level=4);
# similar result can be achieved using data downloaded above
df_CBP_emp_naics4 = FirmDynamics.build_CBP_agg(df_CBP_naics,
aggregation=:county, industry=:naics, level=4)
Look at the tests to see what is supported.
See the flat files
Read and select the relevant series in one movement:
df_CES_earnings = FirmDynamics.build_CES(
industry=:naics, frequency=:monthly,
series_code=[1, 11, 15, 30, 33],
level = 4)