Export a Bezier curve from Blender to Godot via a Curve3D TRES file. Tested against Godot 4.2, curve3d format version 3.
- Confirm python script is working for CSV DONE
- Remove UE4 files (Spline stuff) DONE
- Update Python script to spit out a Compliant TRES file instead of a CSV DONE
- Imported curve (test_export_5, 303 points) looks a bit chaotic but works! (303 points) May need to simplify the curve before export. Test this.
- created test_export_6 with dissolve curve 0.6 in blender. (172 points)
- Works, perhaps a bit too much. But the point is prooven.
Keep the CSV option, maybe?(nah)
- ExportBezierToGodot.py - Blender add-on
- TestSpline.tres - Test file
- Install add-on in Blender: Edit -> Preferences... -> Add-ons -> Install (ExportBezierToUE.py)
- Export Bezier curve points into CSV: Select object and File -> Export -> Export BezierCSV for UE4
- Import ... tktktktk
Export Bezier curve from Blender to Unreal Engine 4.
The article is available here.
- ExportBezierToUE.py - Blender add-on
- Spline - Unreal Engine project
- BlueprintVersion - Blueprint solution
- SplinePathComponent and PathActor - Component solution
- TestSpline.csv - Test file
- Install add-on in Blender: Edit -> Preferences... -> Add-ons -> Install (ExportBezierToUE.py)
- Export Bezier curve points into CSV: Select object and File -> Export -> Export BezierCSV for UE4
- Import CSV such as DataTable in Unreal Engine
- Select DataTable in SplineActor