massive multiplayer online (MMO) games database design and implementation.
This project consists of three main parts:
Building database tables and injecting data into them
Functions and views
- a function which gets an alliance ID and returns usernames of its members in a table (table-valued function)
- a function which gets an location ID and returns its coordinates (scalar-valued function)
- a function which gets a player ID and a unit ID and returns 1 if player can purchase the unit and 0 otherwise (scalar-valued function)
- a function which orders alliances based on sum of its members' credits
- a view containing id,name and number of members for each alliance
- a view containing a list of all locations and name and number of units located in each location
- a view containing ids and usernames of all players and number of each two type of movements they have started
- a view containing a list of all locations and name and number of structures located in each location
Precursors and Triggers
- a procedure to add a player to an alliance
- a procedure to remove a player from an alliance
- a procedure to add structures to a location
- a procedure to destroy structures to a location
- a procedure to buy units and locate them on a location
- a procedure to sell units of a location
- a trigger to record activities of alliances members
- a trigger to record creation and deletion of alliances
- a trigger to record trades on units
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