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1a. Getting Started (Arduino Edition)

takumi-ogata edited this page Dec 4, 2024 · 38 revisions

Welcome to DaisyDuino!

This Wiki walks you through the process of adding Daisy support to the Arduino IDE and running an example program.

Follow along with our video tutorial!


1. Add Daisy Support to the Arduino IDE

2. Install the DaisyDuino Library

2.5 Install the Oled library (Field and Patch)

3. Flash the Blink Example

4. Next Steps

5. Community and Support

6. Troubleshooting

Add Daisy Support to the Arduino IDE

To add Daisy support to your Arduino IDE, follow these instructions from stm32duino.

Important! - Make sure to perform the "extra step" of installing STM32CubeProg, as that application is required for uploading firmware to the Daisy. You can return to this Wiki page after that step.

This will take you through the process of adding the STM32 Arduino Core, which has support for the Daisy as well as a number of other STM32 based boards.

Install the DaisyDuino Library

DaisyDuino is included in the official Arduino IDE Library Manager.

  • Open the Arduino IDE and select Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries

  • In the search text field, type "DaisyDuino". You can then select the library for install.

That's it! The DaisyDuino library should now be installed.

For more detailed instructions on installing Arduino libraries, check out this tutorial.

Install the Oled library (Field and Patch)

To add OLED support to to your Arduino, install the U8g2 library via the arduino library manager.
This is only necessary if your Daisy board has an oled (field, patch).

  • Open the Arduino IDE and select Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries

  • In the search text field, type "U8g2". You can then select the library for install.

Flash the Blink Example

The first program that we'll upload to the Daisy is the classic "Blink" program which toggles the state of the onboard LED each second.

To load the Blink example, click file -> examples -> 01.Basics -> blink

It's worth mentioning that the file does not need to be edited, the macro LED_BUILTIN is setup for the Daisy's built-in LED (on PC7).

Once you've selected the Blink example, you will need to select the Daisy board variant and pick some options. To do this:

  • select "Generic STM32H7 Series" from the Tool->Board drop down menu
  • select "Daisy Seed" from the Tool->Board part number drop down menu
  • If you're using USB for Serial then select "CDC (generic 'Serial' supersede U(S)ART)" option from USB Support
    • The 'Low/Full Speed' USB is the built-in USB, while the 'High Speed as Full Speed' option is the USB pins on the pinout
  • Choose "STM32CubeProgrammer (DFU)" from the Tools->Upload Method option

With the Daisy Seed connected to your computer via its onboard USB, hold the BOOT button down, and then press the RESET button. Once you release the RESET button, you can also let go of the BOOT button.

Now press the 'Upload' button (Not the 'Upload using Programmer' button) in the Arduino window, to compile and flash the example to your module.

If you get

RUNNING Program ... Address: : 0x8000000 Start operation achieved successfully

But the led does not blink.

Then press the RESET button.

You should see the onboard LED toggle on and off each second!


  • The Arduino IDE might output Error: Start operation failed in the console. This is perfectly normal and does not indicate a problem during upload. This is due to STM32CubeProgrammer

  • Windows users may need to reset their USB driver using Zadig. Follow our Zadig wiki page for instructions

Next Steps

  • Run a Daisy specific example program. These can be loaded direct from the IDE and are located in File->Examples->DaisyDuino

  • Modify an example program and listen to the results

  • Write your own Daisy program and make some sound!

Community and Support

Here are some ways to get support and connect with other users and developers:


Please refer to the Arduino section of the troubleshooting page.