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Add test for clear expiExpiredSnoozes
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Zacqary committed Jun 28, 2022
1 parent 86687fd commit 04ec516
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Showing 3 changed files with 244 additions and 1 deletion.
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Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ export function isSnoozeExpired(snooze: RuleSnoozeSchedule) {
const now =;
const { rRule } = snooze;
// Check to see if the snooze has another upcoming occurrence in the future

try {
const rRuleOptions = {
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@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0; you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License
* 2.0.

import moment from 'moment';
import sinon from 'sinon';
import { RulesClient, ConstructorOptions } from '../rules_client';
import { savedObjectsClientMock, loggingSystemMock } from '@kbn/core/server/mocks';
import { taskManagerMock } from '@kbn/task-manager-plugin/server/mocks';
import { ruleTypeRegistryMock } from '../../rule_type_registry.mock';
import { alertingAuthorizationMock } from '../../authorization/alerting_authorization.mock';
import { encryptedSavedObjectsMock } from '@kbn/encrypted-saved-objects-plugin/server/mocks';
import { actionsAuthorizationMock } from '@kbn/actions-plugin/server/mocks';
import { AlertingAuthorization } from '../../authorization/alerting_authorization';
import { ActionsAuthorization } from '@kbn/actions-plugin/server';
import { auditLoggerMock } from '@kbn/security-plugin/server/audit/mocks';
import { getBeforeSetup, mockedDateString } from './lib';
import { eventLoggerMock } from '@kbn/event-log-plugin/server/event_logger.mock';
import { TaskStatus } from '@kbn/task-manager-plugin/server';
import { RuleSnooze } from '../../types';

jest.mock('../../invalidate_pending_api_keys/bulk_mark_api_keys_for_invalidation', () => ({
bulkMarkApiKeysForInvalidation: jest.fn(),

jest.mock('uuid', () => ({
v4: () => '5f6aa57d-3e22-484e-bae8-cbed868f4d28',

let clock: sinon.SinonFakeTimers;

const taskManager = taskManagerMock.createStart();
const ruleTypeRegistry = ruleTypeRegistryMock.create();
const unsecuredSavedObjectsClient = savedObjectsClientMock.create();
const encryptedSavedObjects = encryptedSavedObjectsMock.createClient();
const authorization = alertingAuthorizationMock.create();
const actionsAuthorization = actionsAuthorizationMock.create();
const auditLogger = auditLoggerMock.create();
const eventLogger = eventLoggerMock.create();

const kibanaVersion = 'v7.10.0';
const rulesClientParams: jest.Mocked<ConstructorOptions> = {
authorization: authorization as unknown as AlertingAuthorization,
actionsAuthorization: actionsAuthorization as unknown as ActionsAuthorization,
spaceId: 'default',
namespace: 'default',
minimumScheduleInterval: { value: '1m', enforce: false },
getUserName: jest.fn(),
createAPIKey: jest.fn(),
logger: loggingSystemMock.create().get(),
encryptedSavedObjectsClient: encryptedSavedObjects,
getActionsClient: jest.fn(),
getEventLogClient: jest.fn(),

describe('clearExpiredSnoozes()', () => {
let rulesClient: RulesClient;

beforeAll(() => {
clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(new Date(mockedDateString));
afterAll(() => clock.restore());

beforeEach(() => {
getBeforeSetup(rulesClientParams, taskManager, ruleTypeRegistry);
(auditLogger.log as jest.Mock).mockClear();
rulesClient = new RulesClient(rulesClientParams);
apiKeysEnabled: false,

test('clears expired unscheduled snoozes and leaves unexpired scheduled snoozes', async () => {
duration: 1000,
rRule: {
tzid: 'UTC',
dtstart: moment().subtract(1, 'd').toISOString(),
count: 1,
id: '1',
duration: 1000,
rRule: {
tzid: 'UTC',
dtstart: moment().add(1, 'd').toISOString(),
count: 1,
await rulesClient.clearExpiredSnoozes({ id: '1' });
updatedAt: '2019-02-12T21:01:22.479Z',
updatedBy: 'elastic',
snoozeSchedule: [
id: '1',
duration: 1000,
rRule: {
tzid: 'UTC',
dtstart: moment().add(1, 'd').toISOString(),
count: 1,
version: '123',
test('clears expired scheduled snoozes and leaves unexpired ones', async () => {
id: '1',
duration: 1000,
rRule: {
tzid: 'UTC',
dtstart: moment().subtract(1, 'd').toISOString(),
count: 1,
id: '2',
duration: 1000,
rRule: {
tzid: 'UTC',
dtstart: moment().add(1, 'd').toISOString(),
count: 1,
await rulesClient.clearExpiredSnoozes({ id: '1' });
updatedAt: '2019-02-12T21:01:22.479Z',
updatedBy: 'elastic',
snoozeSchedule: [
id: '2',
duration: 1000,
rRule: {
tzid: 'UTC',
dtstart: moment().add(1, 'd').toISOString(),
count: 1,
version: '123',
test('does nothing when no snoozes are expired', async () => {
duration: 1000 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 3, // 3 days
rRule: {
tzid: 'UTC',
dtstart: moment().subtract(1, 'd').toISOString(),
count: 1,
id: '2',
duration: 1000,
rRule: {
tzid: 'UTC',
dtstart: moment().add(1, 'd').toISOString(),
count: 1,
await rulesClient.clearExpiredSnoozes({ id: '1' });

function setupTestWithSnoozeSchedule(snoozeSchedule: RuleSnooze) {
const rule = {
id: '1',
type: 'alert',
attributes: {
name: 'name',
consumer: 'myApp',
schedule: { interval: '10s' },
alertTypeId: 'myType',
enabled: true,
apiKey: 'MTIzOmFiYw==',
apiKeyOwner: 'elastic',
actions: [
group: 'default',
id: '1',
actionTypeId: '1',
actionRef: '1',
params: {
foo: true,
version: '123',
references: [],

id: '1',
scheduledAt: new Date(),
attempts: 0,
status: TaskStatus.Idle,
runAt: new Date(),
state: {},
params: {},
taskType: '',
startedAt: null,
retryAt: null,
ownerId: null,
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion x-pack/plugins/alerting/server/task_runner/task_runner.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -456,11 +456,12 @@ export class TaskRunner<

rulesClient.clearExpiredSnoozes({ id: });

const ruleIsSnoozed = isRuleSnoozed(rule);
if (ruleIsSnoozed) {
this.markRuleAsSnoozed(, rulesClient);
rulesClient.clearExpiredSnoozes({ id: });

if (!ruleIsSnoozed && this.shouldLogAndScheduleActionsForAlerts()) {
const mutedAlertIdsSet = new Set(mutedInstanceIds);
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