The easiest way to deploy.
If you don't have them yet you will need drush
and drush make
Install drush:
Then install drush make by typing: drush dl drush_make
Create a file make file voxbox.make
core = 6.x
api = 2
projects[] = drupal
projects[voxbox][type] = "profile"
projects[voxbox][download][type] = "git"
projects[voxbox][download][url] = "git://"
Then run it: drush make voxbox.make docroot
Where docroot is the path/to/the/directory where you want the public document root of the website.
You should have now got all the code. You can either point your browser at the site the website and install using the UI; or you can cd docroot; drush site-install --db-url=mysql://user:password@host/database voxbox
and get the full default instal.