A Lightweight Inline Hook Library for RISC-V 64
This project utilizes RISC-V Vector Instruction Set and requires CPU support for Vector Extension
- Support multiple
operations on the same function, with all user'shook
functions taking effect - Inline instrumentation support to read/modify register context before/after function calls
- Simultaneous inline hook and inline instrumentation on the same function (Similar to
framework behavior)
This project provides both C/C++
interfaces. The C interfaces offers basic functionality only; C++ implementation is recommended.
Suppose we have a function add
that needs to return 114514
. Here are three implementation approaches:
#include <print>
int add(int x, int y) {
std::print("add({}, {})", x, y);
return x + y;
void do_hook();
int main() {
auto result = add(1, 2);
std::println(" = {}", result);
#include <rv64hook.h>
void do_hook() {
using namespace rv64hook;
static decltype(add)* add_backup = nullptr;
ScopedRWXMemory unused(add);
[](auto x, auto y) {
x = 114000;
y = 514;
return add_backup(x, y);
Output: add(114000, 514) = 114514
#include <rv64hook.h>
void do_hook() {
using namespace rv64hook;
static decltype(add)* add_backup = nullptr;
static struct {
int x;
int y;
} data{114000, 514};
ScopedRWXMemory unused(add);
{.pre =
[](RegisterContext* ctx, auto, auto data) {
ctx->SetArg<0, int>(data->x);
ctx->SetArg<1, int>(data->y);
Output: add(114000, 514) = 114514
#include <rv64hook.h>
void do_hook() {
using namespace rv64hook;
static decltype(add)* add_backup = nullptr;
ScopedRWXMemory unused(add);
{.pre =
[](auto ctx, auto, auto) {
ctx->a0 = 999;
ctx->a1 = 666;
.post =
[](RegisterContext* ctx, auto, auto) {
Output: add(999, 666) = 114514
The most rewarding thing I've ever done in my life was contributing the first RISC-V64 Inline Hook to the open source community at 18.7 years old