- Full-stack Elixir developer Phoenix Liveview | Ecto/PostgresQL | HTML/Tailwind/CSS | JavaScript
- Emergent Rubyist (all about that programmer happiness)
- Co-founder of kimia.software
- Proud DockYard Academy alumnus
- BEAM advocate (let's learn Erlang, Gleam, or any of the others!)
- Synthesist and historian of computer music programming
- I code music in Lua, SuperCollider, Tidal Cycles, and the Teletype esolang
- I’m keen on collaborating at the intersection of functional programming and sound/music
- Feel free to contribute code/concepts to Pipesines, a LiveView project that turns Elixir itself into a musical instrument
- Also feel free to contribute sounds/vibes to the Pipesines record label, which releases code/compositions by programmers like you
- PhD (ABD) in Science and Technology Studies (York)
- MA in Visual Culture (Waseda University, Tokyo)
- Former technician and researcher at RE/Lab (TMU)
- Human language lover: I am fluent in Mandarin and Spanish; proficient in several others; and have studied many more
- Muay Thai for life