Monolog logging extension.
This extension provides more nuanced, extendable PSR3 logging implementations. There are a wide range of monolog extensions and options available including logging to slack/hipchat/mattermost, various issue trackers and various log aggregators
- see
However, only a few are implemented at this stage. I have not included options to specify the log file name or directory through the UI at this stage as I want to ensure any security implications are considered before exposing that. Anything with security implications to think through (eg. being able to rename or relocate the log files) has not been included in this initial version.
When something is logged to CiviCRM the call looks like
From 5.38 onwards the use of 'channels' are encouraged - ie
If the ipn channel has not been defined it will fall back to the default channel. This allows the possibility that different logging providers can be configured for different channels. Monolog allows one or more logging providers to attach to each channel. In each case you need to specify the minimum logging severity to deal with and whether the handler is the final handler.
For example if you had decided to log all logging output to a file but for fatal errors you wanted them to go to syslog and phpmailer* but not to the file you would attach the normal logging handler to the channel with an alert level of 'debug' (the lowest possible) and also configure configure the syslog and phpmailer* handlers with the minimum alert for to 'error' and set whichever has highest weight to be the final.
- note the phpmailer handler is not included at this stage - I removed it to work through some composer issues.
Out of the box 4 loggers are enabled and attached to the default / fallback channel
- log_file default logger, active, default. This should behave the same as the normal CiviCRM logger with the exception that will delete older log files once there are 10 * 250MB logs in the directory. The size and number can be configured
- daily_log_file, inactive. This is a potential alternative if you would prefer a new log file each day. The number of days to keep files for is 30 under the default configuration. It is expect you would disable the log_file logger if you enable the daily_log_file
- firephp, active. This logger kicks if in 1) the logged in user has 'view debug output' permission AND the login user has a firephp browser extension installed. If so the debug output will appear in the firephp tab in the user's browser.
- syslog, active. Configured to miniumum level of 'error' this logs to the syslog service
The extension is licensed under MIT.
- PHP v7.2+
- CiviCRM 5.38+
IMPORTANT: You need to run composer install
from within this extension's folder after downloading in order to get monolog installed properly.
Sysadmins and developers may clone the Git repo for this extension and install it with the command-line tool cv.
git clone
cd monolog
composer install
cv en monolog
IMPORTANT: You need to run composer install
from within this extension's folder after downloading in order to get monolog installed properly.
- Go to Administer - System Settings - Debugging and Error Handling.
- There'll be a new field where you can specify the folder path to where you want logs stored. (In real life will want this to be more configurable, e.g. network locations, different locations per channel, different output formats, etc... It should maybe be configured via a config file in the filesystem.)
If this code is disabled or otherwise becomes 'missing' then the templates_c directory must be cleared.