Lookup multiple ERC20 token's metadata and store it in contract.erc20
import { lookup } from 'erc20lookup';
import { ethers } from 'ethers'; // ethers v6 or v5 supported
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider('https://cloudflare-eth.com/v1/mainnet');
const usdt = new ethers.Contract('0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7', ERC20_ABI, provider);
await lookup(provider, [ usdt ]);
See test/erc20lookupTest.mjs
Deployment addresses are hardcoded inside index.mjs
The following networks are currently supported:
chainId | Network | Address |
0x01 | Ethereum | 0x6e7285c3E47c242e3aD62eDD5D0F19886F1e7ef0 |
0x89 | Polygon | 0xFe35BC1Ff694883dE8D31f3a87C5a668BCE765B0 |
0xa4b1 | Arbitrum | 0x2a20c66948373c7F619b32737c0bFa1dDa94E6E4 |
0x2105 | Base | 0x2C923114fC052D93BDda932DAe1a49668C17b0F0 |
0x38 | BNB | 0x9a8D6BB3c45E100c8456a8295C8b90b993bE20D4 |
43114 | Avalanche | 0xCbCB78054731a6FCCa53920959033810Ff0A7D1d |
0xfa | Fantom | 0xD07b8Ddbb60aA59648F8697A2faCbDa4C8ed4994 |
0x0a | Optimistic | 0xEF0Bb05F544b8540E538B958257C466dcB7347D0 |
0x4e454152 | Aurora | 0x48cF154a086bAB5492A8D150f4d87a74eCf90743 |
0xa0c71fd | Blast Testnet (Sepolia) | 0x529dbe909c6461b6fa5cA85A52DCd09087182675 |
0x61 | BNB Testnet | 0x73E068e9c7ffc91F463ca5464E77E6826D84E3A5 |
0xaa36a7 | Ethereum Sepolia | 0x746418DB600352A808709f2048E797ab0918C581 |
0x05 | Goerli Testnet | 0x1a7f041dDC8919D26dB38E186E00e6E36dCCA0E6 |
Need to use your own deployment? Specify the contract address in the ERC20_LOOKUP_CONTRACT_ADDRESS
env variable or supply it as a third argument to lookup
await lookup(provider, [ usdt ], '0x....');
We support both v5 and v6, but none is listed in this module's dependencies. You'll have to install ethers manually to run tests:
npm install --no-save ethers
npm install --no-save ethers
npm run test
npm install
hardhat test