host# strapi-provider-upload-tp-minio
This upload provider uses the JavaScript Minio.Client to upload files to a (self hosted) instance of Minio.
It's compatible with the the strapi 3.1.1.
Notice We currently use it in conjunction with Docker.
There are only a couple of settings one has to provide to make it work. The following config settings are available:
Config Label | Internal Name | Value |
Access API Token | accessKey | string |
Secret Access Token | secretKey | string |
Bucket | bucket | string |
Endpoint | endPoint | string |
Port | port | string |
SSL | useSSL | string(true for ssl, anything else for false) |
Folder | folder | string |
isDocker | isDocker | bool |
Host | host | string |
overridePath | overridePath | string (overrides host settings) |
The thing with the overridePath is, that it enables you to set a proxied image url, so that you can output the images through some kind of image proxy (eg. thumbor or imgproxy).
The resulting configuration file should look like this:
// File: ./config/plugins.js
module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
upload: {
provider: 'tp-minio',
providerOptions: {
accessKey: env('MINIO_ACCESS_KEY'),
secretKey: env('MINIO_SECRET_KEY'),
bucket: env('MINIO_BUCKET'),
endPoint: env('MINIO_ENDPOINT'),
port: parseInt(env('MINIO_PORT'), 10) || 9000,
useSSL: env('MINIO_USE_SSL') === 'true',
folder: 'uploads',
// isDocker: true,
host: env('MINIO_HOST'),
For SSL and NGINX see minio/minio#8050 (comment)