Let's take over the world -- together!
We've been chewing our cud and paying for it, too, haven't we? It's almost as if we actually finished writing everything the public needs to do work efficiently in most fields about 10 years ago, but corperations change the U.I. of their product each year and sell it again. There are better open-sourced guitar tuner android apps than there are purchasable ones on the play store. and a new one will replace the old one every few years. but there were free ones from the start that had better functionality?! what the fuck!
Operating Systems (O.S.O.S!):
- ArchLinux https://www.archlinux.org/ Although not technically an open sourced project, most of it's code is. Designed with K.I.S.S. philosophy in mind, this operating system is one step towards teaching the public how to compute.
- Manjaro Linux https://manjaro.org/ Another arch system, gets users to the most functional GUI I've seen on a linux system (and I've personally installed and used a very many of these things). This o.s. revives old apple products upon installation. Great stripped back O.S.O.S. which also provides chillin HiDpi support! personal favorite, although over the years I can see Arch Linux taking Manjora's place there.
- AntiX https://antixlinux.com/ A linux distro with, arguably, less bloat, having ripped out systemd.
- Mint https://linuxmint.com/ Recommended as a propriotary OS replacement. It's gorgeous, can use Cinnimon (which is great for a laptop requiring HiDPI support, like mine!) This operating system is great at teaching beginners/showing normies the power of open source. Based on Debian and Ubuntu, the software manager boasts 60k beautiful o.s. programs we can all use to do mad science with.
- TinyCore https://distro.ibiblio.org/tinycorelinux/welcome.html This will survive the test of time. Valuable automation and retrofitting tool
- Krita https://docs.krita.org/en/index.html
- Blender www.blender.org (3d Object Design, Skeleton Rigging, Animation, Game engine compiler, the list goes on)
- LibreOffice www.libreoffice.org/ (PDF exporter/slideshow n such. there's even a guitar tab plug-in wtf)
- Inkscape www.inkscape.org (Vector-based Imaging)
- Gimp www.gimp.org (Pixel-based Imaging)
- Pencil2D www.pencil2d.org (2d Hand-drawn Animation)
- osCommerce www.oscommerce.com (Online Merchance, can get implemented into your website w/ php)
The above five programs boggle my mind as to how we, as a human race, have not shut adobe and it's bullshit business practices down. Blender, clearly the most professional and well-written program on the list, even has a python console built in.
Android App Marketplaces and my favorite apps on them:
- F-droid https://f-droid.org/en/ Fuck yes. So... a free o.s. app marketplace, making certain tools (and growing) free forever, is what you're telling me.
- Tuner (yeah. you read my rant from before) https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.billthefarmer.tuner/
- Terminux https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.termux/ Pretty sweet! terminal on your android! allows for virtualizaion though I cannot attest considering my phone model isn't capable of doing so