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edunham committed Apr 6, 2016
1 parent 827ed4b commit 7bada61
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230 changes: 0 additions & 230 deletions questions/questions_00

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66 changes: 0 additions & 66 deletions questions/questions_01

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47 changes: 0 additions & 47 deletions questions/questions_02

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22 changes: 0 additions & 22 deletions questions/questions_03
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2996,18 +2996,15 @@ A sadhu is a holy man in which country`india
A sailing barge used in East Anglia`wherries
A sailing vessel having three or more square-rigged masts`ship
A sailing vessel having three or more square-rigged masts`shipped
a sailor who has not yet crossed the equator is referred to by what name`duran
A sailor who has not yet crossed the equator is referred to by what name`Pollywog
A salad containing diced apple, celery, walnuts and mayonnaise is known as what`waldorf salad
A saloon where the owners make their own beer and serve it on the premises`brewpub
A salt enema used to be given to children to rid them of _______`threadworms
a salt enema was given to children to rid them of ______`ruminant
A salt enema was given to children to rid them of ______`Threadworm
A sample so obtained`biopsied
A "sapphire" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years`45
As a result of cooking fires going most of the time in the North American Indian longhouses, Huron Indian women often suffered from what as a result of the fires`Blindness
As a result of their wearing high leather collars to protect their necks from sabres, as what were the first U.S. marines known`Leathernecks
as a result of their wearing high leather collars to protect their necks from sabres, as what were the first u.s marines known`three
As a result or consequence of: whereupon`whereat
As at 1st january 1998, what is the name of the tallest building in the world`petronas towers
As at 29 October 2000 who is the Prime Minister of Australia`john howard
Expand All @@ -3021,7 +3018,6 @@ A sauce made by thickening and seasoning these juices`gravy
A saucy girl or young woman`chit
A saucy or impudent girl`hussies
A saudi arabian woman can get a divorce if her husband doesn't give her ______`coffee
a saudi arabian woman can get a divorce if her husband doesn't give her ______`damage
A Saudi Arabian woman can get a divorce if her husband doesnt give her what`coffee
a saudi arabian women can get a divorce if her ---------- doesn't give her coffee`husband
a saudi arabian women can get a divorce if her husband doesn't give her----------`coffee
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3050,8 +3046,6 @@ as clean as a ______`whistle
As clear as a _______`Bell
As clear as a(n) _________.`bell
As clear as a(n) `bell
as clear as a _______`priest
as close as two ______ in a pod`holler
As close as two ______ in a pod`Peas
A scooping or digging action, as with such a chisel`gouge
Ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate are the most common forms of which vitamin`vitamin C
Expand All @@ -3064,13 +3058,11 @@ A scrivener is an old name for whom`clerk
A scroll is the symbol for which muse`clio
A scroll of parchment containing the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures, used in a synagogue during services`torah
as cute as a ______`button
as cute as a ______`men
As cute as a(n) ________.`button
As cute as a(n) `button
A sea`anemone
A seal on a document, such as a letter`cachet
A search party`posse
as easy as ______`iodine
As easy as ________.`pie
As easy as `pie
A sea wasp can kill a human in less than a minute, what kind of creature is it`jellyfish
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3145,7 +3137,6 @@ A sexton`sacristan
As fit as a ______`fiddle
As fit as a(n) __________.`fiddle
As fit as a(n) `fiddle
as fit as a ______`oenone
"As free as the wind blows, as free as the grass grows'. What is the song title`Born Free
As good as _________.`gold
As good as `gold
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3229,7 +3220,6 @@ A show of public homage or welcome`ovation
A showy sounding of trumpets`fanfare
A shrub or tree, such as the mountain ------, having a similar aroma or leaf shape`laurel
A shrub or tree that bears elderberries`elderberry
ashurnasirpal in 663 bc`system
A shy retiring person is known as a shrinking what`violet
Asiatic Huns punished convicted male _______ and adulterers with castration. Female adulterers were merely cut in two.`rapists
Aside from Brussels, What other city contains the EU's main governing bodies`Strasbourg
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3266,7 +3256,6 @@ A similar digestive organ found in certain invertebrates, such as the earthworm`
A similar disease in animals, especially sheep`scabies
A similar dish, especially one consisting of a melted sauce in which pieces of food, such as bread, meat, or fruit, are dipped or cooked: 'chocolate`fondu
A similar earlier event is known as a`precedent
a similar earlier event is known as a`smothers
A similar effect produced by rapid alternation of two tones`tremolo
A similar fenced or enclosed area, especially one used for protection`stockade
A similar fish, especially: Any one of various saltwater fishes in the family Sparidae, such as the porgy`bream
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3385,7 +3374,6 @@ A skilled or clever person: 'a ------ at math.'`wizard
A skin lotion or cream that is used to clean the face`cleanser
As large as ________.`life
As large as `life
as large as ______`refrigerator
A sled or toboggan`coaster
A sleeping car`sleeper
A slender, flexible surgical instrument used to explore a wound or body cavity`probe
Expand All @@ -3400,12 +3388,10 @@ A slingshot`slung
A slope of loose rock debris at the base of a steep incline or cliff`scree
A slope of loose rock debris at the base of a steep incline or cliff`screes
A sloth can move ______ as fast in water as it can on land`twice
as loud as _______`papeete
As loud as _________.`thunder
As loud as `thunder
A slow, mournful musical composition`dirge
A sluggish stream that meanders through lowlands, marshes, or plantation grounds`bayou
as mad as a _______`animal
As mad as a _______`wet hen
A small amount: a jot`trifle
A small amount: a particle: 'not a ----- of evidence.'`shred
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3559,7 +3545,6 @@ as of 1983, an average of ---------- christmas cards were sent annually in the u
As of 1990, who held the major record for stolen bases`Ricky Henderson
as of 2000, how old is motor trend magazine`50
A sofa on which a patient lies while undergoing psychoanalysis or psychiatric treatment`couch
as of july 1, 2000, how many people were in the world`6,080,299,577
As of November 2000, which golfer has won the most prize money in international competition`greg norman
A soft blue cheese made from ewe's milk`roquefort
A soft fabric made of this wool or of similar fibers`cashmere
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3623,9 +3608,7 @@ A space for storing goods`storage
as pale as a ______`ghost
As pale as a(n) ___________.`ghost
As pale as a(n) `ghost
as pale as a ______`seconds
A Spanish-American farm worker is called a what`peon
a spanish bullfighter is also known as`one
a spanish bullfighter is also known as`toreador
A Spanish country estate is known as a _____`hacienda
A Spanish dance in triple meter`bolero
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3681,7 +3664,6 @@ A sports shoe usually made of canvas and having soft rubber soles. Also called t
A spouse`mate
A spouse who is a hindrance in life is a?`Hindermate
A "spread" is associated with which genre of music`jazz
as pretty as a ______`leno
As pretty as a(n) ________.`picture
As pretty as a(n) `picture
As pretty as a ______`picture
Expand All @@ -3700,14 +3682,12 @@ Assam, darjeeling and oolong are all types of what`tea
As seen from the Earth, what is the brightest star in the constellation Scorpio`antares
As seen from the Earth, what is the brightest star in the constellation Taurus`aldebaran
ass!"`Fast Times at Ridgemont High
as sick as a ______`birdwing
As sick as a ______`dog
As sick as a(n) ___________.`dog
As sick as a(n) `dog
Assigned to or bearing a person's name: '------- shares.'`nominal
Assignment of troops to temporary quarters`cantonment
As sly as a ______`fox
as sly as a ______`guinea
As sly as a(n) __________.`fox
As sly as a(n) `fox
As smart as a(n) ________.`whip
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3800,7 +3780,6 @@ A stimulus or an incentive: An age of political excitement is usually a --------
A stinging organ or part`stinger
A stitch in time saves ____`nine
A stitch in time saves ____`nine`9
a stitch in time saves ____`virginia
A stock`broker
A stock of terms used in a particular profession, subject, or style: a vocabulary: 'the lexicon of surrealist art.'`lexica
A stock of weapons`arsenal
Expand All @@ -3822,7 +3801,6 @@ A story by Hans Anderson "The..`ugly duckling
A story of ones own life`autobiography
A story, picture, or play employing such representation. John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress and Herman Melville's Moby Dick are`allegories
As to the origin of his alleged powers, Uri Geller maintains that they come from the distant planet of`hoova
as tough as _______`ernie
As tough as _______`nails
A stout stick used as a weapon: a cudgel`staff
A straightedged strip, as of wood or metal, for drawing straight lines and measuring lengths. Also called rule`ruler
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