A command line application to integrate with Google Tasks and perform some common operatations.
To see usage options run:
$ gtasks -h
usage: gtasks [-h] {authenticate,backup,process,quickadd,lists} ...
positional arguments:
authenticate Authenticate the use of your google account for access
to the google task APIs
backup Backup your tasks to a local JSON file
process Search Tasks and perform actions on them
quickadd Quickly add a task to a given list
lists Display all of your Google Tasks Lists.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Authenticate your app:
$ gtasks authenticate
Backup tasks:
$ gtasks backup
Backing up!
Including hidden tasks
Adding list to backup: My Tasks
Adding list to backup: Another List
Creating backup in file: backup-2019-11-28T22:22:22.181719.json
or only include visible tasks in your backup:
$ gtasks backup --include visible
Quickly add a task:
$ gtasks quickadd --list "My Tasks" "Buy some milk"
Process through your tasks, it has quite a few options, so see the help for more info:
$ gtasks process -h
To install and run from source:
Requires and been tested on Python 3+.
Check what version of python you are running.
python --version
If you're system python is Python 2 you will have to use pip3
in the below steps instead of pip
Clone the repository:
git clone git@github.com:edtechhub/gtasks.git
Install the dependencies (preferably in a virtual environment):
We require a two stage install, as the Gtasks installer itself requires some dependencies.
pip install -r pre-requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
For convenience you may symlink the gtasks
executable to somewhere on your path, so that you can run gtasks
There is only one test file right now. To run:
python -m unittest tasks/tests/test_backup.py
If more tests are neccesary in future may expand into a full test runner, using pytest/nose or similar.