Python-based tool for downloading your game collections and extras to your local computer for full offline enjoyment.
It is a clean standalone python script that can be run from anywhere. It requires a typical Python 2.7 installation and html5lib.
By default, game folders are saved in the same location that the script is run in. You can also specify another directory. Run -h to see help or read more below. Each game has its own directories with all game/bonus files saved within.
License: GPLv3+
- Ability to choose which games to download based on combinations of OS (windows, linux, mac) and language (en, fr, de, etc...)
- Saves a !info.txt in each game folder with information about each game/extra item.
- Creates a !serial.txt if the game has a special serial/cdkey (I know, not 100% DRM-free, is it?). Sometimes coupon codes are hidden here!
- Verify your downloaded collection with full MD5, zip integrity, and expected file size checking.
- Auto retrying of failed fetch/downloads. Sometime GOG servers report temporary errors.
- Ability to import your already existing local collection.
- Easy to throw into a daily cronjob to get all the latest updates and newly added content!
- Clear logging prints showing update/download progress and HTTP errors. Easy to pipe or tee to create a log file.
Login to GOG and save your login cookie for later commands. Your login/pass can be specified or be prompted. You generally only need to do this once to create a valid gog-cookies.dat login
Fetch all game and bonus information from GOG for items that you own and save into a local manifest file. Run this whenever you want to discover newly added games or game updates. update -os windows linux mac -lang en de fr
Download the games and bonus files for the OS and languages you want for all items known from the saved manifest file. download
Verify and report integrity of all downloaded files. Does MD5, zip integrity, and expected filesize verification. This makes sure your game files can actually be read back and are healthy. verify
Add new games from your library to the manifest. update -os windows -lang en de -skipknown
Update games with the updated tag in your libary. update -os windows -lang en de -updateonly
Update a single game in your manifest. update -os windows -lang en de -id trine_2_complete_story
Download a single game in your manifest. download -id trine_2_complete_story login
Authenticate with GOG and save the cookie locally in gog-cookies.dat file. This is needed to do
update or download command. Run this once first before doing update and download.
login [-h] [username] [password]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
username GOG username/email
password GOG password
-- update
Fetch game data and information from for the specified operating systems and languages. This collects file game titles, download links, serial numbers, MD5/filesize data and saves the data locally in a manifest file. Manifest is saved in a gog-manifest.dat file
update [-h] [-os [OS [OS ...]]] [-lang [LANG [LANG ...]]] [-skipknown | -updateonly | -id <title>]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-os [OS [OS ...]] operating system(s) (ex. windows linux mac)
-lang [LANG [LANG ...]] game language(s) (ex. en fr de)
-skipknown only update new games in your library
-updateonly only update games with the updated tag in your library
-id <title> specify the game to update by 'title' from the manifest
<title> can be found in the !info.txt of the game directory
-- download
Use the saved manifest file from an update command, and download all known game items and bonus files.
download [-h] [-dryrun] [-skipextras] [-skipextras] [-skipgames] [-wait WAIT] [-id <title>] [savedir]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-dryrun display, but skip downloading of any files
-skipextras skip downloading of any GOG extra files
-skipgames skip downloading of any GOG game files
-wait WAIT wait this long in hours before starting
-id <title> specify the game to download by 'title' from the manifest
<title> can be found in the !info.txt of the game directory
savedir directory to save downloads to
-- verify
Check all your game files against the save manifest data, and verify MD5, zip integrity, and
expected file size. Any missing or corrupt files will be reported.
verify [-h] [-skipmd5] [-skipsize] [-skipzip] [-delete] [gamedir]
gamedir directory containing games to verify
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-skipmd5 do not perform MD5 check
-skipsize do not perform size check
-skipzip do not perform zip integrity check
-delete delete any files which fail integrity test
-- import
Search an already existing GOG collection for game item/files, and import them to your
new GOG folder with clean game directory names and file names as GOG has them named on their servers.
import [-h] src_dir dest_dir
src_dir source directory to import games from
dest_dir directory to copy and name imported files to
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-- backup
Make copies of all known files in manifest file from a source directory to a backup destination directory. Useful for cleaning out older files from your GOG collection.
backup [-h] src_dir dest_dir
src_dir source directory containing gog items
dest_dir destination directory to backup files to
-h, --help show this help message and exit
- Python 2.7 (Python 3 support coming soon)
- html5lib 0.99999 (
- html2text 2015.6.21 ( (optional, used for prettying up gog game changelog html)
I recommend you use pip
to install the above python modules.
pip install html5lib html2text
add ability to update and download specific games or new-items only- add 'clean' command to orphan/remove old or unexpected files to keep your collection clean with only the latest files
- support resuming manifest updating
add support for incremental manifest updating (ie. only fetch newly added games) rather than fetching entire collection information- ability to customize/remap default game directory name
- add GOG movie support
- ... feel free to contact me with ideas or feature requests!