Workflow for building HUC-based meshes in python.
All code is in python3. Recommended is to download anaconda3, as this makes it fairly easy to get all the required packages.
Note that this package expects you to place the top-level directory in your PYTHONPATH:
Standard packages needed (should be included in all distributions?) include argparse and subprocess, and for testing, pytest and dist_utils. Standard math packages include numpy, matplotlib, and scipy.
GIS work uses packages: fiona, rasterio, and shapely. The packages for fiona and rasterio from conda-forge seem to work better?
conda create -n ats_meshing -c conda-forge -c defaults python=3 ipython numpy matplotlib scipy meshpy basemap basemap-data-hires fiona rasterio shapely ipykernel requests
Mesh generation uses Triangle, which can be wrapped for python using meshpy. This one is a little more difficult, as there seem to be no good distributions of it?
Note this depends upon boost python, which seems to come by default with anaconda?
For now, build from source:
export ANACONDA_DIR=/path/to/your/anaconda
git clone
cd meshpy
./ --python-exe=${ANACONDA_DIR}/bin/python --boost-inc-dir=${ANACONDA_DIR}/include --boost-lib-dir=${ANACONDA_DIR}/lib --boost-python-libname=boost_python3 --disable-static --enable-shared --cxxflags=-stdlib=libc++ --ldflags=-stdlib=libc++
python install
Note to look closely at the result of the configure command -- it errors frequently and has trouble finding Boost?
Check your python installation:
$> ipython
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as plt
import scipy
import rasterio
import fiona
import shapely
import meshpy.triangle
Alternative, use a docker container.
On a mac: docker build -t ats-meshing -f ./Dockerfile ./
brew install socat
nohup socat TCP-LISTEN:6000,reuseaddr,fork UNIX-CLIENT:\"$DISPLAY\"
IP=$(ifconfig en0 | grep inet | awk '$1=="inet" {print $2}')
docker run -it --name container1 --net=host --env DISPLAY=${IP}:0 -v ~/codes/ats/ats-meshing/:/ats ats-meshing
cd ats-meshing
A good way to get started is to simply run go:
python3 bin/ -c 060102080102
This downloads a HUC file (not small, so takes a minute) then extracts, smooths, and triangulates some HUCs in it.
Basic triangulation of an existing HUC 12:
python3 bin/ -c 060102080102
Triangulate a HUC 10, ensuring that HUC12 edges are included:
python3 bin/ -c 0601020801
Triangulate with refinement, grading the max area to higher res near the river:
python3 bin/ --refine-distance 0 1000 1000 10000 -c 060102080102
Triangulate a given user-provided shapefile, for instance a subwatershed from the Coweeta basin:
python3 bin/ --refine-distance 10 100 1000 1000 --hint=06 --center --shape-index=0 data/hydrologic_units/others/Coweeta/coweeta_subwatersheds.shp