Test-Framework can be used to test the protocol and network interaction of Echo.
This project does not contain Api/Operations tests, which can be found in pytests project.
$ git clone https://gitlab.pixelplex.by/645.echo/test-framework.git
$ cd test-framework
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Locally builded echo node (https://github.com/echoprotocol/echo-core).
Make copy of config file template, than full needed custom parameters into it:
$ cp config.py.bak config.py
$ python3 test_runner.py
To check available parameters to test_runner.py
$ python3 test_runner.py --help
script results will be similar to:
To see information/examples about: framework, test writing or other utility objects: look section.
A copy of the license is available in the repository's LICENSE file.