Hadoop Platform and Application Framework. Content and exercises from Coursera - University of California, San Diego
> sh map-reduce/data_generator/data_generator.script
> cat map-reduce/input/join2_gen* | map-reduce/join2_mapper.py | sort | map-reduce/join2_reducer.py
> hdfs dfs -put map-reduce/input /user/cloudera/input
> hdfs dfs -ls /user/cloudera/input
> hdfs dfs -cat /user/cloudera/input/join2_genchanA.txt
> hadoop jar /usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-streaming.jar \
-input /user/cloudera/input \
-output /user/cloudera/output \
-mapper map-reduce/join2_mapper.py \
-reducer map-reduce/join2_reducer.py
Wordcount exercise using PySpark
You will need to enter in the PySpark console:
> sudo easy_install ipython==1.2.1
> PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON=ipython pyspark
Reading: Resiliant Destributed Datasets
Spark> fileA = sc.textFile("input/map-reduce/join1_FileA.txt")
Spark> fileA.collect()
Spark> Out[]: [u'able,991', u'about,11', u'burger,15', u'actor,22']
Spark> fileB = sc.textFile("input/map-reduce/join1_FileB.txt")
Spark> fileB.collect()
Spark> Out[29]:
[u'Jan-01 able,5',
u'Feb-02 about,3',
u'Mar-03 about,8',
u'Apr-04 able,13',
u'Feb-22 actor,3',
u'Feb-23 burger,5',
u'Mar-08 burger,2',
u'Dec-15 able,100']
Loading code into PySpark console:
Spark> load spark/wordcount.py
Testing code:
Spark> test_splitA()
Spark> True
Spark> test_splitB()
Spark> True
Applying split_fileA function to dataset A:
Spark> fileA_data = fileA.map(split_fileA)
Spark> fileA_data.collect()
Out[74]: [(u'able', 991), (u'about', 11), (u'burger', 15), (u'actor', 22)]
Applying split_fileB function to dataset B:
Spark> fileB_data = fileB.map(split_fileB)
Spark> fileB_data.collect()
[(u'able', u'Jan-01 5'),
(u'about', u'Feb-02 3'),
(u'about', u'Mar-03 8'),
(u'able', u'Apr-04 13'),
(u'actor', u'Feb-22 3'),
(u'burger', u'Feb-23 5'),
(u'burger', u'Mar-08 2'),
(u'able', u'Dec-15 100')]
Join A and B:
Spark> fileB_joined_fileA = fileB_data.join(fileA_data)
Spark> fileB_joined_fileA.collect()
Out[76]: [(u'about', (u'Feb-02 3', 11)), ...]