Miscellaneous utilities I sometimes use.
pip install git+https://github.com/ebravofm/e_utils.git
Takes any string and returns a new string that is valid for naming files.
- Removes accents and tildes.
- Removes invalid characters.
- Replaces spaces (' ') with underscores ('_')
- Keeps first 255 characters only.
>>> s = "La vie d'Adèle (2003).mp4"
>>> filename(s)
Takes a pandas dataframe or series and homogenizes each row by doing the following vector actions:
- Applies lower case
- Strips leading and trailing spaces
- Removes accents and tildes
Takes a pandas dataframe or series and homogenizes each row matching similar strings and naming them the same. The module uses levenshtein distance to compare the strings to each other, by default, strings that are one single-character edit away are taken as the same. The module takes de levenshtein distance matrix, creates clusters and renames all the elements within the cluster the same. This module uses scikitlearn's DBSCAN.
>>> from e_utils.utils import clean_df
>>> from e_utils.utils import homog_lev
>>> series
0 Bad Bunny
1 bad buny
2 bag bunny
3 Ozuna
4 De La Ghetto
5 de la geto
6 Daddy Yankee
7 dade yankee
8 Nicky Jam
9 nicky jam
10 J Balvin
11 jbalvin
12 Maluma
13 maluma
14 Anuel AA
>>> series2 = clean_df(series)
>>> series2 = homog_lev(series2, eps=3)
>>> pd.concat([series, series2.str.title()], axis=1, keys=['*Original*', '*Fixed*'])
*Original* *Fixed*
0 Bad Bunny Bad Bunny
1 bad buny Bad Bunny
2 bag bunny Bad Bunny
3 Ozuna Ozuna
4 De La Ghetto De La Ghetto
5 de la geto De La Ghetto
6 Daddy Yankee Daddy Yankee
7 dade yankee Daddy Yankee
8 Nicky Jam Nicky Jam
9 nicky jam Nicky Jam
10 J Balvin J Balvin
11 jbalvin J Balvin
12 Maluma Maluma
13 maluma Maluma
14 Anuel AA Anuel Aa