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JamesFenix edited this page Jun 1, 2021 · 5 revisions


The Ruins are seen as a old fortress in a battle or a old outpost used during war times or times of unease when creatures are about causing mayhem around the place

Old House in town square

an old decrepit house that has closed shutters with wood nailed down on them when you open the door it makes a eery noise and seems to be not in use for a long time


a riddle in a shadow, under the guise of their purpose is not specified or said why they appear when you encounter them but the question is are they friend or foe?

Wandering Salesman

can sell you items and gear and other essentials but you require currency in order to barter with them you can also sell unwanted items or junk in your inventory but you could buy back the items in case of a second decision

Post Nuclear City

when you enter the nuclear symbol vault you are in a city that has seen the aftermath of a nuclear fallout with falling apart destroyed buildings some are intact there is some individuals in what looks to be futuristic armor of some kind there is a bleak depressing atmosphere to the area and yet there is still life going on

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