A funny math game based on Kalah Game
Each of the two players has six pits in front of him/her. To the right of the six pits, each player has a larger pit, his Kalah or house. At the start of the game, six stones are put In each pit. The player who begins picks up all the stones in any of their own pits, and sows the stones on to the right, one in each of the following pits, including his own Kalah. No stones are put in the opponent's' Kalah. If the players last stone lands in his own Kalah, he gets another turn. This can be repeated any number of times before it's the other player's turn. when the last stone lands in an own empty pit, the player captures this stone and all stones in the opposite pit (the other players' pit) and puts them in his own Kalah. The game is over as soon as one of the sides run out of stones. The player who still has stones in his/her pits keeps them and puts them in his/hers Kalah. The winner of the game is the player who has the most stones in his Kalah.
Kalah Game provides REST services for create, update and search for boards allowing implement the game through an API or even play the game through web accessing the URL.
Built on maven, java 8, spring-boot 1.4.1, spring-boot-actuator, spring-mvc and lombok.
Maven and Java 8 are required to run the project, be sure you have already installed.
Using Travis as CI (https://travis-ci.org/eacarvalho/kalah-game)
- Build:
$ mvn clean package
- Start:
$ java -jar target/kalah-game-1.0.jar
For straightforward fun with a fancy web interface go http://localhost:8080
Create a new game board, allowing play the game (Http Status 200).
Return the json of all boads saved (Http Status 200). If the there are no boards yeat the status code returned is 204.
Return the JSON's board, a snapshot of that moment (Http Status 200). If the boardId doesn't exists the status code returned is 404.
Move stones from the selected pit, as all movement are saved, the board has the snapshot of the last movement, so, it knows which player is and how many stones are in each pit and house (Http Status 200). If a pit has zero stone and you try to move the API will return status code 400.
The API has 6 spots, so the call possibilities to move stones are:
"id" : "d977a3e4-3aae-493d-b4aa-358fb2080e7e",
"playerOne" : {
"id" : "ONE",
"pits" : [ {
"id" : "ONE",
"stones" : 6
}, {
"id" : "TWO",
"stones" : 6
}, {
"id" : "THREE",
"stones" : 6
}, {
"id" : "FOUR",
"stones" : 6
}, {
"id" : "FIVE",
"stones" : 6
}, {
"id" : "SIX",
"stones" : 6
} ],
"house" : {
"stones" : 0
"playerTwo" : {
"id" : "TWO",
"pits" : [ {
"id" : "ONE",
"stones" : 6
}, {
"id" : "TWO",
"stones" : 6
}, {
"id" : "THREE",
"stones" : 6
}, {
"id" : "FOUR",
"stones" : 6
}, {
"id" : "FIVE",
"stones" : 6
}, {
"id" : "SIX",
"stones" : 6
} ],
"house" : {
"stones" : 0
"currentPlayer" : "ONE",
"winner" : null,
"createdDate" : "2016-10-24T21:29:56.849+0000"