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D3 Dashboard Gauge

D3 Dashboard Gauge is a node-RED inspired dashboard gauge build with d3js framework. It is:

  • A self-contain re-usable library;
  • High customisable for different IoT projects and sensors;
  • Simple API for creating, rendering and updating the data;
  • Build with d3.js library;
  • Support both linear and log scale.

d3 dashboard gauge demo video

Click the image to see YouTube video demo

Quick Start

Simply create an html file to include the D3 Dashboard Gauge stylesheet and javascript file. It also load d3 via cdn as dependency.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/style.min.css">
    <div class="gauge-container">
      <div id="gauge"></div>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="dist/gauge.min.js"></script>
    <script src="example.js"></script>

The #gauge-container <div> is required as an container, especially when there are multiple gauges instances on the scren, it helps to style the gauges to be placed side-by-side. When there is more than one gauge is required, create addition <div> with unique id within the #gauge-container as you wish. The example.js shows two gauges placed side-by-side with different configuration.

D3 Dashboard Gauge is a javascript class that can be instantiated, and it mainly consists two public methods, Gauge.render() and Gauge.update(). The usage is simple, create an instance of Gauge class, render it, and whenever there is a new value, update it.

const myGauge = new Gauge(configOptions);

API Documentation

Gauge class and configuration

D3 Dashboard Gauge is highly customizable by passing an optional configuration object when instantiating an class instance.

const tempGauge = new Gauge({
  minValue: -20,
  maxValue: 50,
  lowThreshhold: 0,
  highThreshhold: 40,
  displayUnit: 'Degree Celcius'

If a configuration object is not provided during the instantiation of the Guage class, the default configuration options will be used. The default configuration options consists of:

config = {
  size : 200,
  margin : 10,
  minValue : 0,
  maxValue : 10,
  majorTicks : 5,
  lowThreshhold : 3,
  highThreshhold : 7,
  scale: 'linear',
  lowThreshholdColor : '#009900',
  defaultColor : '#ffe500',
  highThreshholdColor : '#cc0000',
  transitionMs : 1000,
  displayUnit: 'Value'

configurable d3 dashboard gauge parameters

The picture help to visualised all the configurable parameters.

size: Defines the width of the gauge, excluding the margins on both sides. Default value is 200px.

margin: Margin add extra pixels on both sides of the gauge container so that the text of the scale can be displayed without being cut off. Default value is 10px on each side of the gauge container.

minValue: Refers to the mininum value of the scale to be displayed. It could be a negative value, e.g. when repsenting temperature, say, -20 degree celcius. Default value is set to 0.

maxValue: Refers to the maxium value of the scale to be displayed.

majorTicks: Defines the number of major ticks to be displayed on the gauge scale. a value of 5 on a scale 0 to 10 means that there will 6 ticks on 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. The default value is 5.

lowThreshhold: Defines the lower threshhold value in between the minValue and maxValue. The default is 3.

highThreshhold: Defines the higher threshhold value in between the minValue and maxValue. When you change the minValue and maxValue, you are likely have to change the lowThreshhold and highThreshhold values too. The default value for highThreshhold is 7.

lowThreshholdColor: Defines the color to be used for the scale range between minValue and lowThreshhold. Default color is set to a greenish color with RGB value of #009900.

scale: Defines whether the display will be 'linear' or 'log' scale. Default is 'linear'. Only log base 10 (i.e.log10(x)) is supported.

defaultColor: This is the color to be used between lowThreshhold and highThreshhold. Default color is #ffe500 which is a yellowish color.

highThreshholdColor: The color to be used between highThreshhold and maxValue. Default is set to #cc0000 red.

transitionMs: When a number is updated via the update() method, the change of the value is animated and transit from old value to new value. The transitionMS is used to define how long the transition time will take in milli-second. Default is 1000 ms(1 second).

displayUnit: This is the string label used to display the value it represented on the display. The default is 'Value'.

Rendering the gauge

Once the an instance of the Gauge class is created with customized or default configuration, you can call the render() method to render the gauge at a specific location identified by a html id tag.


The render() menthod creates an SVG object to render the gauge using d3js functionalities.

Update the gauge

Whenever the data value change, simply call the update() to update the value.


You can setup how often the update() methold should be called by wrapping it within a JavaScript setInterval function. Please noted that the time for each update should be longer than the transitionMs value you used so that the rendering can be transiting to the newValue before it changing again.

// example for updating the gauge value in every 2 seconds
setInterval(function() {
}, 2 * 1000);

Re-config the gauge

If for any reason you would need to re-config the guage (for example, re-scale the display panel) dynamically, there is a helper function setConfig() allows to passing the new configuration object. Calling render() method is required for the new settings to be taken effect after changing the configuration.

tempGauge.setConfig({minValue : 20, maxValue : 50}).render('#gauge');


Click on the image above to see the YouTube video demo or click this link to see the live demonstration.


This repository is licensed under MIT License.


A node-RED inspired dashboard gauge build with d3js.







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