First WDI Project. Deploying a Website Portfolio
My approach to this project was to really attempt to build each section from scratch. Nothing against BootStrap or the like, but I wanted to challenge myself. I wasn't planning on memorizing code snippets at all, but rather understanding how to read and follow along with the code[referring to javascript].
I reffered to a lot of sites online for assistance. I usually go with neat clean code-a-longs sticking to my skillset that make it simple to follow to prevent complicating myself.
For the testimonials section I already had a simple clean and thin section in mind. Nothing but simple quotes looping around.
I followed a tutorial in which this code ran the slider.
It took me a while to understand what was happening at first. It works as a for loop without a for loop. The % modulo is responsible for rotating the slides.
This was the same approach as the testimonial slider, but modified to add next and previous controls.
I really like the effect of how the sticky nav sticks to the top of the browser as soon as you scroll down the page. I followed w3c schools to acheive this.
This is crazy how this one line of code can make your nav links go from a quick, cheap scroll to a timely, smooth effect!
Very useful article and simple to follow. Vanilla javascript, styling, and some media quieries to acheive a mobile hamburger menu.
The lightbox was tough. I could not find a tutorial I was able to follow. A lot of sites were lightbox plugins that used javascript to install their modal.
I couldn't shrink my name on the header using media quieries. I probably put a handful of styles, making it difficult for the h1 to be responsive just like the rest of the headers.
Overall, I'm proud of the design I came up with. Obviously I will add more content and switch up certain sections, but I like the theme. It's functional as far as the slides and navigation. It is a good starting point to represent myself and skills to employers.