DyniClick : open-source toolbox for stereo audio click detection, analysis, tracking and exploration
1 - Clone repository
$ git clone https://github.com/dynilib/dyniclick.git
2 - Install Miniconda.
3 - Create environnement:
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
First, activate the environnement:
$ source activate dyniclick
To get help on any script, use '-h' option, e.g.:
python dyniclick/click_detection.py -h
python dyniclick/click_detection.py examples/example.wav examples/example.clicks.pk --bandpass_freq 10000 15000 15000 20000
-> the creates a pickle file with the click times and amplitudes
python dyniclick/click_analysis.py examples/example.wav examples/example.clicks.pk examples/example.feat.pk --tdoa_max 0.00047
Note: tdoa_max is the maximum delay between the hydrophones, i.e. the distance between the hydrophones divided by the speed of sound in water (~ 1500 m/s)
python dyniclick/click_tracking.py examples/example.feat.pk examples/example.tracks.pk --click_interval_max 0.3 --diff_max 0.000025 --amp_thres 0.1
python dyniclick/plot_utils.py examples/example.feat.pk --feat_cols 1 4 2 5 --feat_scale 1 1000 1000 0.001 --track_file examples/example.tracks.pk
python dyniclick/concatenate_data.py examples/ examples/dataframe.h5 --track_root examples/
jupyter notebook examples/dataframe.ipynb