This binary includes the following functionality:
info # Display some keyboard information.
static # All keys green (default)
static {red|blue|white} # All keys to a preset colour
static <R G B> # All keys to a custom colour
breathe # Throb with random colours
breathe <R G B> # Throb with a custom single colour
breathe <R G B> <R G B> # Throb with two custom colours
starlight # Twinkling green stars
starlight <speed> # Set twinkle speed: 1,2,3
starlight <speed> <R G B> # Custom twinkle speed and colour.
reactive # Keys light green and fade when typed.
reactive <speed> <R G B> # Custom react speed and colour.
spectrum # Keys cycle through colour spectrum.
wave {left|right} # Spectrum coloured wave.
logo # Display the current logo state.
logo {off|on} # Turn the back logo off or on.
fnkey {off|on} # Use 'fn' key to access F1-F12 keys.
brightness # Display the current brightness value.
brightness <value> # Sets the brightness to value: 0 - 255
brightness {up|down} # Increases or decreases the brightness