Collection of tools for condensed matter physics written in Python.
❗ | Most of the code is beeing migrated to the exactdiag repository and will be removed soon! |
Install via pip
from github:
pip install git+
or download/clone the package, navigate to the root directory and install via
pip install .
Module | Description |
basis | Tools for many-body basis representations |
collection | Collection of helpful methods and constants |
cpa | Coherent potantial approximation (on-site disorder) |
disorder | Methods for constructing disorder |
exactdiag | Exact diagonalization methods |
greens | Some implementations for the computation of Green's functions |
matrix | Matrix methods |
operators | Abstract linear operator, sparse implementation and other tools |
Collection of common condensed matter models (unstable, might change significantly)
Module | Description | Lattice support |
abc | Model-Parameter container and abstract base classes | - |
anderson | Anderson imurity models | ❌ |
ising | Ising model | ✔️ |
heisenberg | Heisenberg model | ✔️ |
hubbard | Hubbard model | ❌ |
tightbinding | Thight-Binding model | ✔️ |
A Basis
object can be initalized with the number of sites in the (many-body) system:
from cmpy import Basis
basis = Basis(num_sites=3)
The corresponding states of a particle sector can be obtained by calling:
sector = basis.get_sector(n_up=1, n_dn=1)
If no filling for a spin-sector is passed all possible fillings are included.
The labels of all states in a sector can be created by the state_labels
>>> sector.state_labels()
['..⇅', '.↓↑', '↓.↑', '.↑↓', '.⇅.', '↓↑.', '↑.↓', '↑↓.', '⇅..']
The states of a sector can be iterated by the states
Each state consists of an up- and down-SpinState
state = list(sector.states)[0]
up_state = state.up
dn_state = state.dn
Each SpinState
provides methods for optaining information about the state, for example:
>>> up_state.binstr(width=3)
>>> up_state.n
>>> up_state.occupations()
>>> up_state.occ(0)
>>> up_state.occ(1)
>>> up_state.occ(2)
The operators
-module provides the base-class LinearOperator
based on scipy.LinearOperator
A simple sparse implementation of a Hamiltonian is also included.
from cmpy import HamiltonOperator
size = 5
rows = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4]
cols = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3]
data = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
indices = (rows, cols)
hamop = HamiltonOperator(size, data, indices)
Converting the operator to an array yields
>>> hamop.array()
[[0 1 0 0 0]
[1 0 1 0 0]
[0 1 0 1 0]
[0 0 1 0 1]
[0 0 0 1 0]]
Many-Body Hamiltonian matrices can be constructed by projecting the elements onto a basis sector. First, the basis and matrix array have to be initialized:
import numpy as np
from cmpy import Basis
basis = Basis(num_sites=2)
sector = basis.get_sector() # Full basis
ham = np.zeros((sector.size, sector.size))
The Hubbard Hamiltonian, for example, can then be constructed as follows:
from cmpy import project_hubbard_inter, project_hopping
up_states = sector.up_states
dn_states = sector.dn_states
# Hubbard interaction
for i, j, val in project_hubbard_inter(up_states, dn_states, u=[2.0, 2.0]):
ham[i, j] += val
# Hopping term
for i, j, val in project_hopping(up_states, dn_states, site1=0, site2=1, hop=1.0):
ham[i, j] += val