Podcast Club is a daily updated podcast aggregator inspired from AllTop. We focus on the topics IT, Entrepreneurship and Finance.
Podcast Club consumes Data from the Podcast API which is built with the Django Rest API.
All Podcast we currently cover, check out Here.
make sure you have Node.js installed, otherwise head to Node.js official web site.
First, check out the source code:
git clone https://github.com/tryToCode/podcastclub.git
Then install all dependencies in the project's root folder:
# move into project folder
cd podcastclub
# install dependencies, this may take a moment
npm install
You are good to go, run the following command to start local server:
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
npm run dev
Now Podcast Club is listening on http://localhost:3000
Podcast Club is currently covered by nightwatch for End-To-End testing. Tests are executed under Firefox, if you prefer other browser, check out the documentation for installation.
Testcase are located under the test folder.
Run test under window:
node nightwatch.js test/index.test.js
Learn more about the Podcast backend API here.