Package and program made to make transactional load test easy.
Most other load testing packages/frameworks was made for testing REST APIs in a non transactional way. This package was born out of the necessity to test our Magento based eCommerce platforms checkout over multiple website ids and payment methods.
For this we needed a package that can, in a flexible way, test multiple steps in a transactional manner. It must also be able to loop over values and also set variables based on the result body / headers from previous transaction.
It also has the possibility to replay real scenarios. Jobs can be added with a "start after" value. Making it possible to replay old load exactly as it happened.
The first part of making StepTest is work is defining a steps -file. This includes the different steps that the Server will run for each job that is added with the specified steps -file.
The steps -files syntax support a range of different functions such as VAR
and of course HTTP
functions such as GET
. Functions can be declared either in upper or lower case.
Each step is divided by a dash -
, any leading/trailing spaces and tabs will be removed.
- var { "name": "url", "value": "" }
array { "name": "productList", "values": [ "prodId1", "prodId2", "prodId3" ] }
- get https://{{url}}/getSession
varfrom { "from": "body", "name": "session", "syntax": "<input name=\"session\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"{{StepTestSyntax}}\" />"}
- for product in {{productList}}
post https://{{url}}/addProduct {"session":"{{session}}","product":"{{product}}"}
- get https://{{url}}/getCart
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a new StepTest server with 10 virtual users and 15s http timeout.
srv, err := steptest.New(10, 15)
if err != nil {
// Add a job with no vars or startAfter value.
srv.AddJob("steps.txt", 1, nil, nil)
// Start the server and then wait until StepTest has finished all requests.
// Print some results.
if errors := srv.GetNumberOfErrors(); errors > 0 {
fmt.Printf(">>> Number of errors: %d\n\n", errors)
for _, err := range srv.GetErrorMessages() {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", err.Error)
fmt.Printf(">>> Total number of fetches: %d\n", srv.GetNumberOfRequests())
fmt.Printf(">>> Average time: %d ms\n", srv.GetAverageFetchTime())
fmt.Printf(">>> Total runtime: %d s\n", srv.GetTotalRunTime())
Every line that starts with a dash followed by a space will be defined as a step separator. Every function in a step is divided by every line that starts with two spaces.
Creates a new GET request against
post {"name":"value"}
Creates a new POST request against with a JSON body.
put name%3Dvalue
Creates a new PUT request against with a URL Encoded body.
patch {"partial":"info"}
Creates a new PATCH request against with a JSON body.
Creates a new DELETE request against with a empty body.
var { "name": "var1", "value": "val1" }
Creates a new variable called var1 with a value of val1.
array { "name": "arr1", "values": [ "val1", "val2", "val3" ] }
Creates a new array called arr1 with values val1, val2 and val3.
varfrom { "from": "body", "name": "var1", "syntax": "<input name=\"session\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"{{StepTestSyntax}}\" />" }
Creates a variable called var1. The value of var1 will be based on the requests BODY where it will look for the syntax
<input name=\"session\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"{{StepTestSyntax}}\" />
. And anything thats contained in the{{StepTestSyntax}}
will be the value of the variable.
cookie { }
Creates a new cookie with the values...
header { "name": "header1", "value": "val1" }
Creates a new header with name header1 and value val1. (local to the step)
@header { "name": "header1", "value": "val1" }
Creates a new global header with name header1 and value val1. (global for whole job)
auth { "username": "user1", "password": "pass1" }
Adds Auth to the request with username and password user1 and pass1. (local to the step)
@auth { "username": "user1", "password": "pass1" }
Adds Global Auth to the request with username and password user1 and pass1. (global for whole job)
for i in {{arr1}}
for i in [ "val1", "val2", "val3" ]
for i in {{var1}}
// var1 needs to contain a stringified JSON array that can be unmarshaled.
Creates a for loop that will loop through all the values in the array and set the variable i to the value from the array. More than one step can be included in the forloop. Should be ended with a forend. The step that the for is defined in will be included in the for loop.
Ends a for loop. Can be part of the same step as for. Then only that step will be looped over.
steptest.New(v int, t int) (*Server, error)
New takes a number of virtual users v and request timeout t and creates a StepTest Server. Returns *Server and error.
*Server.AddJob(s string, r int, v map[string]string, a *time.Time) error
AddJob will parse a job and add it to the *Server. It takes the path to a stepsfile s, r number of runs, v variables as a map of strings and time a when to start the job, for direct execution just nil. Returns error.
Start will start the execution of parsed jobs. If there are any unparsed jobs left in the queue it will wait for them to finish before starting execution.
*Server.StopParsing() error
StopParsing will send a signal to stop all parsing being done on the Server. StopParsing can only be called when the Server is in a IsParsing -state. Returns error.
*Server.StopRunning() error
StopRunning will send a signal to stop fetching requests on the Server. StopRunning can only be called when the Server is in a IsRunning -state. Returns error.
WaitDone will wait until the Server has finished fetching all the requests in the * map. WaitDone will block the program until it has finished.
*Server.GetNumberOfVirtualUsers() int
GetNumberOfVirtualUsers returns the number of virtual users. Returns int.
*Server.GetNumberOfJobs() int
GetNumberOfJobs returns the number of jobs stored on the Server. Returns int
*Server.GetNumberOfRequests() int
GetNumberOfRequests returns the number of successfull requests. Returns int.
*Server.GetNumberOfErrors() int
GetNumberOfErrors will return the amount of requests that errored. Returns int.
*Server.GetErrorMessages() []error
GetErrorMessages will return all the error messages since the Server was started. Returns Error.
*Server.GetAverageFetchTime() time.Duration
GetAverageFetchTime will return the average fetch time for all the requests. Requests that resultet in errors will be ignored in the average. Returns time.Duration.
*Server.IsParsing() bool
IsParsing returns true if the Server is still parsing jobs. False if it has finished or manually been stopped. Returns bool.
*Server.IsRunning() bool
IsRunning returns true if the Server is still running jobs. False if it has finished or manually been stopped. Returns bool.
*Server.GetTotalRunTime() time.Duration
GetTotalRunTime will return the total runtime since Server start. Returns time.Duration.
go get -u
To improve on the project, please submit a pull request.
The code is copyright under the MIT license.