This is application to set up ssh tunnel and expose http servers under bastion. It set up ssh tunnel with host with key authorization to destination specified in config and exposes http proxy with headers beatification required by external service.
go build -o bin/moxy-linux
go build -o bin/moxy-mac
go build -o bin/moxy-windows.exe
Example config.json
"tunnel": {
"userAndHost": "sshuser@localhost",
"pathToPrivateKey": "/absolute/path/to/private/key/id_rsa",
"destination": "localhost:8080"
"services": {
"some": {
"port": 9000,
"headers": {
"host": "some.service"
"some": "value"
"allowCors": true
"other": {
"port": 9001
This config will connect to sshuser@localhost
using key /absolute/path/to/private/key/id_rsa
(use absolute path) and tunnel to localhost:8080
It will expose
- ssh tunnel under random port (available in std output)
http server under available at tunneledlocalhost:8080
called with headersHost: some.service
,"some: value"
and will handle preflight OPTION request to fulfill browsers cors check.localhost:9901
http server under available at tunneledlocalhost:8080
If you don't provide config as an arg then config.json
will be used.
./moxy-windows.exe ./config.json
chmod +x ./moxy-linux
./moxy-linux ./config.json
chmod +x ./moxy-mac
./moxy-mac ./config.json