microbit_helpler is try to create a Scratch 2.0 Extension for BBC micro:bit through the COM serial port to send/receive the self-defined data.
- python2 -m pip install blockext==0.2.0a2
- python2 -m pip install pyserial
- To download and install the Scratch 2.0 Offline Editor from https://scratch.mit.edu/download
- Open the Scratch 2.0 Offline Editor
- Import the extension description (Shift-click on "File" and select "Import Experimental HTTP Extension" from the menu) choice the file of microbit_helper.s2e
- The new extension blocks will appear in the More Blocks palette
- Test your extension and iterate!
or direct to the ScratchFiles/ScratchProjects/ directory and Double-click at microbit_sample.sb2 sample file and you can play the demo game.
- microbit_hex.hex (micropython compiled to intel-hex file)
- microbit_helper.py (python code follow the Scratch 2.0 Extension helper apps for micro:bit by blockext package)
- ScratchFiles/ExtensionDescriptors/microbit_helper_zh_tw.s2e (Scratch Extension helper block with Chinese)
- ScratchFiles/ExtensionDescriptors/microbit_helper.s2e (Scratch Extension helper block with English)
- ScratchFiles/ScratchProjects/microbit_sample.sb2 (Sample Game for Scratch)
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.