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PostgreSQL executor for Runnerty:


Through NPM

npm i @runnerty/executor-postgres

You can also add modules to your project with runnerty-cli

npx runnerty-cli add @runnerty/executor-postgres

This command installs the module in your project, adds example configuration in your config.json and creates an example plan of use.

If you have installed runnerty-cli globally you can include the module with this command:

rty add @runnerty/executor-postgres


Add in config.json:

  "id": "postgres_default",
  "type": "@runnerty-executor-postgres",
  "user": "postgresusr",
  "password": "postgrespass",
  "database": "MYDB",
  "host": "",
  "port": "5432"
  "id": "postgres_default",
  "type": "@runnerty-executor-postgres",
  "user": "postgresusr",
  "password": "postgrespass",
  "database": "MYDB",
  "host": "",
  "port": "5432",
  "ssl": {
    "ca": "./ssl/"

Configuration params:

Parameter Description
user The postgres user to authenticate as.
password The password of that postgres user.
database Name of the database to use for this connection. (Optional)
host The hostname of the database you are connecting to.
port The port number to connect to. (Default: 3306)
encoding The encoding for the connection. (Default: 'utf8')
application_name (Default: runnerty)
connectionTimeoutMillis (Default: 60000)
query_timeout (Default: false)
statement_timeout (Default: false)
idle_in_transaction_session_timeout (Default: false)
keepAlive (Default: false)
keepAliveInitialDelayMillis (Default: 0)
ssl/ca SSL CA File (Optional)
ssl/cert SSL CERT File (Optional)
ssl/key SSL KEY File (Optional)

Plan sample:

Add in plan.json:

  "id": "postgres_default",
  "command_file": "./sql/test.sql"
  "id": "postgres_default",
  "command": "SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,10)"

Generation of files:

The saved can be indicated in the file of the results obtained from a query in csv, xlsx and json format. These files will be generated with streams. You only have to indicate the corresponding property in the parameters:


XLSX Format

Parameter Description
xlsxFileExport Path of xlsx file export.
xlsxAuthorName Author file name. (Optional)
xlsxSheetName Name of the sheet. (Optional)


  "id": "postgres_default",
  "command": "SELECT * FROM USERS",
  "xlsxFileExport": "./my_output.xlsx",
  "xlsxAuthorName": "Runnerty",
  "xlsxSheetName": "MySheetSample"


CSV Format

Parameter Description
csvFileExport Path of csv file export.
csvOptions/headers Type: boolean/string[]. The headers will be auto detected from the first row or you can to provide headers array: ['h1name','h2name',...].
csvOptions/delimiter Alternate delimiter. (Default: ',')
csvOptions/quote Alternate quote. (Default: '"')
csvOptions/alwaysWriteHeaders Set to true if you always want headers written, even if no rows are written. (Default: false)
csvOptions/rowDelimiter Specify an alternate row delimiter (i.e \r\n). (Default: '\n')
csvOptions/quoteHeaders If true then all headers will be quoted. (Default: quoteColumns value)
csvOptions/quoteColumns If true then columns and headers will be quoted (unless quoteHeaders is specified). (Default: false). More info here.
csvOptions/escape Alternate escaping value. (Default: '"')
csvOptions/includeEndRowDelimiter Set to true to include a row delimiter at the end of the csv. (Default: false)
csvOptions/writeBOM Set to true if you want the first character written to the stream to be a utf-8 BOM character. (Default: false)


  "id": "postgres_default",
  "command": "SELECT * FROM USERS",
  "csvFileExport": "@GV(WORK_DIR)/users.csv",
  "csvOptions": {
    "delimiter": ";",
    "quote": "\""


JSON Format


  "id": "postgres_default",
  "command": "SELECT * FROM USERS",
  "jsonfileExport": "@GV(WORK_DIR)/users.json"


Plain File Format

For very large data exports it is recommended to use COPY TO with fileExport instead of csvFileExport, despite being developed on streams, it can save the work of converting to CSV.


  "id": "postgres_default",
  "command": "COPY persons TO STDOUT DELIMITER ';' CSV HEADER QUOTE '\"';",
  "fileExport": "./users.csv"

Loading files (COPY FROM)

For file upload you must indicate the path of the file to be loaded in the localInFile parameter and in the COPY [...] FROM statement you must indicate STDIN. For example:

  • localInFile: CSV file path
  "id": "postgres_default",
  "command": "COPY persons (first_name,last_name,email) FROM STDIN DELIMITER ';' CSV HEADER QUOTE '\"';",
  "localInFile": "/persons_to_import.csv"

Output (Process values):


  • PROCESS_EXEC_MSG_OUTPUT: postgres output message.
  • PROCESS_EXEC_ERR_OUTPUT: Error output message.

Query output

  • PROCESS_EXEC_DATA_OUTPUT: postgres query output data.
  • PROCESS_EXEC_DB_COUNTROWS: postgres query count rows.
  • PROCESS_EXEC_DB_FIRSTROW: postgres query first row data.
  • PROCESS_EXEC_DB_FIRSTROW_[FILED_NAME]: postgres first row field data.


Runnerty module: Postgres executor







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