- Node, express, express router
- Firebase, cloud function, firestore db
- Firebase emulator, auto deploy, cloudinary
- Use yarn instead of npm is better
- Add .env and serviceAccountKey.json (firebase app service) into root folder
The api requires Node.js v14+ to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
cd functions
yarn serve
For production deployment
yarn deploy
- I'm trying to build an website like pinterest basically.
- The logic should control basic CRUD, authentication, user role(admin, writer, normal)
- Improve the loading data performance by range
- Im using nodejs, express and firebase as well as firebase cloud function to deploy on gcloud.
- authController: control authentication
- adminController: CRUD an admin account
- countController: manage total number of a object (newsFeed, admin, user) - help to improve searching and fetching all large data
- mediaController: upload image file to cloudinary
- authorizedUserChecker
- I took a lot of time for researching Firebase Hosting with dynamic cloud functions rewrites. In order to resolve it, you should add Firebase hosting rewrite rule into firebase.json
name: "newsFeed",
id: "2e0b5264-3ae9-48fb-b260-43b65c1854ee",
request: {
method: "POST",
header: [
key: "Content-Type",
value: "application/json",
Authentication: {{token}
body: {
mode: "raw",
raw: "{
"title": "Ray News 333",
"content": "Lorem lorem",
"postedBy": "zLpccnYeG9ZLjddShrgEWciNJib2",
"postedAt": "",
"link": "https://paper.li",
"contentUrls": ["https://medium.com", "https://vnexpress.com"],
"imgUrls": ["https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/young-man-arms-outstretched-by-the-sea-at-sunrise-enjoying-freedom-picture-id1285301614?k=20&m=1285301614&s=612x612&w=0&h=WbwgiM4M_JWWC9ew3Mhxq1XPyfZ-Sko_RgKf7toPe7A=", "https://images.pexels.com/photos/3278215/pexels-photo-3278215.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=1&w=500"]
url: "https://us-central1-rayprojects.cloudfunctions.net/ethlabs/api/newsFeed"
response: [ 200 ]