We’re a community of like-minded individuals in Dublin with a passion for Linux and all things free (as in free speech) and open source software. Whether you’re a seasoned Linux user or someone who would simply like to learn more please feel free to come along to one of our regular meetups or follow us through one of our social accounts. If chatting is more your thing you can find us on Telegram. We are a pretty active group!
This repository is designated for the Dublin Linux website.
Feel free to contribute to the site, submit any issues you may find, or anything else.
If you want to get more involved in the development of the site, please consider joining our Matrix channel
- The www root is in the
folder - The resource.html file is created by the resource_maker script, please don't edit it manually.
- Any changes to its design should be made to the
file instead. It's a Jinja2 template. - Any chnages to it's data should be made to the
resource_maker/assets/DL site resources.csv
- Any changes to its design should be made to the
- GitLab's CICD runs the resource_maker script during deployment.
- CICD is configured by the
... is forked at https://gitlab.com/dublinlinux/website-live the workflow for publishing live is:
- push to this repo, let it build, check how it looks at test.dublinlinux.org
- clone (if you haven't already)
- if you haven't already, set the upstream of website-live to this repo:
git remote add upstream git@gitlab.com:dublin-linux/website.git
- git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/main
git push
- after it builds, check dublinlinux.org if everything is ok