- node.js
- Chrome / Chromium
npm install
Copy config.sample.json
to config.json` and set required parameters:
- BASE_URL: The base url of the confluence instance, e.g. https://instance1.example.com/confluence
- AUTH_HEADER: The value to be set for the Authorization HTTP header on all requests, e.g. "Bearer aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj1kUXc0dzlXZ1hjUQ=="
- CQL: The CQL to use when searching for pages to be exported
- OUTPUT_DIR: Path to the directory where exported pages will be saved.
- RETENTION_DAYS: How long should exports be retained?
- CONCURRENCY: Number of concurrent headless Chromium pages
All parameters can be set on the instanc elevel or as default values that are used when a setting is not defined at the instance level.
node dump.js
Edit params in Register-ScheduledJob.ps1
and run it. Afterwards, remove the
password from the script again.
If you don't want to have the password (temporarily) in the script, remove the
and -Password
parameters and switch the task to Run whether user is logged in or not
via taskschd.msc
afterwards. This prevents the Job from
popping up a console window with the log output.
nix run github:dstengele/confluence-offline-copy