Kernel Statistics toolbox is still in development. Two algorithms are now available. One is kernel principal component analysis (KPCA). The other is kernel sliced inverse regression (KSIR).
- Construct principal components in the input space and feature space.
- Provide a preprocess for preventing ill-posed problem encountered in KSIR.
- Support linear, polynomial and radial basis kernels.
- Can handle large scale problems by using reduced kernel.
Kernel Statistics toolbox is implemented in Matlab. Use a data format which can be loaded into Matlab. The instances are represented by a matrix (rows for instances and columns for variables) and the labels (1,2,...,k) or responses are represented by a column vector. Note that you also can represent the labels of binary classification by 1 or -1.
For classification
For regression
KStat toolbox contains two main functions: KDR for constructing PCs and UseKDR for using the results of KDR. Besides, users also can directly use the two core programs, KPCA and KSIR, for a specific kernel matrix.
Description for codes:
Function | Description |
KDR | the main program for constructing PCs via different methods |
UseKDR | using the results of KDR to build up the projected data matrix |
KPCA | finds dimension reduction directions by PCA of a kernel matrix |
KSIR | finds dimension reduction directions by sliced inverse regression of a kernel matrix |
[Info] = KDR(label, inst, 'options')
Variable | Description |
label | training data class label or response |
inst | training data inputs |
Variable | Description |
-s | statistic method (default: 0) 0-PCA 1-SIR |
-t | kernel type (default: 2) 0-linear 1-polynomial 2-radial basis (Gaussian kernel) |
-r | ratio of random subset size to the full data size (default: 1) |
-z | number of slices (default: 0.1) If NumOfSlice >= 1, it represents NumOfSlice slices. If NumOfSlice = 0, it extracts slices according to class labels. |
-p | number of principal components (default: 1) If NumOfPc = r >= 1, it extracts the first r leading eigenvectors. If NumOfPc = r < 1, it extracts leading eigenvectors whose sum of eigenvalues is greater than 100*r% of the total sum of eigenvalues. |
-g | gamma in kernel function (default: 0.1) |
-d | degree of polynomial kernel function (default: 2) |
-b | constant term of polynomial kernel function (default: 0) |
-m | scalar factor of polynomial kernel function (default: 1) |
Variable | Description |
info | results of Kernel Statistics method (a structure in Matlab) |
.PC | principal components of data |
.EV | eigenvalues respect to the principal components |
.Raio | |
.RS | reduced set |
.Space | the space of Kernel Statistics method |
.Params | parameters specified by the user in the inputs |
- Construct ten PCs via KPCA by using Gaussian kernel
[Info_one] = KDR([], inst, '-s 0 -t 2 -g 0.1 -p 10');
- Construct five PCs via reduced KPCA (10%) by using Gaussian kernel
[Info_two] = KDR([], inst, '-s 0 -t 2 -p 5 -g 0.2 -r 0.1');
- Construct PCs of 90% eigenvalue via KPCA by using reduced polynomial kernel
[Info_three] = KDR([], inst, '-s 0 -t 1 -p 0.9 -r 0.1 -d 2 -m 3 -b 2');
- Construct one PCs via KSIR by using Gaussian kernel for 2-class problems
[Info_four] = KDR(label, inst, '-s 1 -t 2 -p 1 -z 0 -g 0.3');
- Construct 5 PCs via KSIR (30 slices) by using Gaussian kernel for regression problemsl
[Info_five] = KDR(label, inst, '-s 1 -t 2 -p 1 -z 30 -g 0.2');
[ProjInst] = UseKDR(inst, Info)
Variable | Description |
inst | testing data inputs |
Info | results of Kernel Statistics method |
Variable | Description |
ProjInst | the projected instances |
- Get the projected inst form Info_one
[ProjInst_one] = UseKDR(inst, Info_one);
- Get the projected inst form Info_four
[ProjInst_four] = UseKDR(inst, Info_four);
[EigenVectors, EigenValues, ratio] = KPCA(K, NumOfPC);
Variable | Description |
K | kernel matrix (reduced or full) |
NumOfPC | If NumOfPC= r >= 1, it extracts the first r leading eigenvectors. If NumOfPC= r < 1, it extracts leading eigenvectors whose sum of eigenvalues is greater than 100*r% of the total sum of eigenvalues. |
Variable | Description |
EigenValues | leading eigenvalues |
EigenVectors | leading eigenvectors |
ratio | sum of leading eigenvalues over total sum of all eigenvalues. |
- Construct ten PCs via KPCA by using a specific kernel matrix
[EigenVectors, EigenValues, ratio] = KPCA(K, 10);
- Construct PCs whose ratio to the total sum is 95%
[EigenVectors, EigenValues, ratio] = KPCA(K, 0.95);
[EigenVectors, EigenValues, ratio] = KSIR(K, y, NumOfSlice, NumOfPC)
Variable | Description |
K | kernel matrix (reduced or full) |
y | class labels or responses |
NumOfSlice | If numerical, it represents the number of slices. If a string 'Class', the number of slices is equal to number of distinct classes in y. |
NumOfPC | If NumOfPC= r >= 1, it extracts the first r leading eigenvectors. If NumOfPC= r < 1, it extracts leading eigenvectors whose sum of eigenvalues is greater than 100*r% of the total sum of eigenvalues. |
Variable | Description |
EigenValues | leading eigenvalues |
EigenVectors | leading eigenvectors |
ratio | sum of leading eigenvalues over total sum of all eigenvalues. |
- Construct PCs via KSIR for classification by using a specific kernel matrix
[EigenVectors, EigenValues, ratio] = KSIR(K, y, 'CLASS');
- Construct two PCs via KSIR for 3-class problem
[EigenVectors, EigenValues, ratio] = KSIR(K, y, 'CLASS', 2);
- Construct PCs via KSIR for regression (20 slices)
[EigenVectors, EigenValues, ratio] = KSIR(K, y, 20);
- Construct five PCs via KSIR for regression
[EigenVectors, EigenValues, ratio] = KSIR(K, y, 20, 5);
- Construct PCs whose ratio to the total sum is 95% via KSIR for regression
[EigenVectors, EigenValues, ratio] = KSIR(K, y, 20, 0.95);
- Change your current directory to KStat toolbox folder
- Load dataset Ionosphere_dataset.mat (can be found in Kernel Statistics toolbox)
load Ionosphere_dataset.mat
- Construct PCs via KPCA
[Info] = KDR([], inst, '-s 0 -t 2 -g 0.1 -p 10');
- Read the contents of Info (PCs, eigenvalues, parameters, ...etc)
- Get the projected inst form the PCs
[ProjInst] = UseKDR(inst, Info);
- Change your current directory to KStat toolbox folder
- Load dataset Ionosphere_dataset.mat (can be found in Kernel Statistics toolbox)
load Ionosphere_dataset.mat
- Construct PCs via KSIR (note that we extracts m-1 PCs for m-class problems)
[Info] = KDR(label, inst, '-s 1 -t 2 -g 0.165 -z 0 -p 1');
- Read the contents of Info (PCs, eigenvalues, parameters, ...etc)
- Get the projected inst form the PCs
[ProjInst] = UseKDR(inst, Info);
- Change your current directory to Kernel Statistics toolbox folder
- Load dataset Housing_dataset.txt (can be found in Kernel Statistics toolbox)
load Housing_dataset.txt
- Split the Housing data into inst and label
inst =Housing_dataset(:,1:13);
label = Housing_dataset(:,14);
- Construct PCs via KSIR (note that we usually use 10
30 slices and extracts 35 PCs for regression problems)
[Info] = KDR(label, inst, '-s 1 -t 2 -g 0.0037 -z 20 -p 5');
- Read the contents of Info (PCs, eigenvalues, parameters, ...etc)
- Get the projected inst form the PCs
[ProjInst] = UseKDR(inst, Info);