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Kernel Statistics Toolbox


Kernel Statistics toolbox is still in development. Two algorithms are now available. One is kernel principal component analysis (KPCA). The other is kernel sliced inverse regression (KSIR).

Key Features

  • Construct principal components in the input space and feature space.
  • Provide a preprocess for preventing ill-posed problem encountered in KSIR.
  • Support linear, polynomial and radial basis kernels.
  • Can handle large scale problems by using reduced kernel.

Download KStat Toolbox

Data Format

Kernel Statistics toolbox is implemented in Matlab. Use a data format which can be loaded into Matlab. The instances are represented by a matrix (rows for instances and columns for variables) and the labels (1,2,...,k) or responses are represented by a column vector. Note that you also can represent the labels of binary classification by 1 or -1.

For classification

For regression

Code Usage

KStat toolbox contains two main functions: KDR for constructing PCs and UseKDR for using the results of KDR. Besides, users also can directly use the two core programs, KPCA and KSIR, for a specific kernel matrix.

Description for codes:

Function Description
KDR the main program for constructing PCs via different methods
UseKDR using the results of KDR to build up the projected data matrix
KPCA finds dimension reduction directions by PCA of a kernel matrix
KSIR finds dimension reduction directions by sliced inverse regression of a kernel matrix

Usage of KDR

[Info] = KDR(label, inst, 'options')

Input of KDR:

Variable Description
label training data class label or response
inst training data inputs


Variable Description
-s statistic method (default: 0)
-t kernel type (default: 2)
2-radial basis (Gaussian kernel)
-r ratio of random subset size to the full data size (default: 1)
-z number of slices (default: 0.1)
If NumOfSlice >= 1, it represents NumOfSlice slices.
If NumOfSlice = 0, it extracts slices according to class labels.
-p number of principal components (default: 1)
If NumOfPc = r >= 1, it extracts the first r leading eigenvectors.
If NumOfPc = r < 1, it extracts leading eigenvectors whose sum of eigenvalues is greater than 100*r% of the total sum of eigenvalues.
-g gamma in kernel function (default: 0.1)
-d degree of polynomial kernel function (default: 2)
-b constant term of polynomial kernel function (default: 0)
-m scalar factor of polynomial kernel function (default: 1)

Output of KDR:

Variable Description
info results of Kernel Statistics method (a structure in Matlab)
.PC principal components of data
.EV eigenvalues respect to the principal components
.RS reduced set
.Space the space of Kernel Statistics method
.Params parameters specified by the user in the inputs


  • Construct ten PCs via KPCA by using Gaussian kernel
    [Info_one] = KDR([], inst, '-s 0 -t 2 -g 0.1 -p 10');
  • Construct five PCs via reduced KPCA (10%) by using Gaussian kernel
    [Info_two] = KDR([], inst, '-s 0 -t 2 -p 5 -g 0.2 -r 0.1');
  • Construct PCs of 90% eigenvalue via KPCA by using reduced polynomial kernel
    [Info_three] = KDR([], inst, '-s 0 -t 1 -p 0.9 -r 0.1 -d 2 -m 3 -b 2');
  • Construct one PCs via KSIR by using Gaussian kernel for 2-class problems
    [Info_four] = KDR(label, inst, '-s 1 -t 2 -p 1 -z 0 -g 0.3');
  • Construct 5 PCs via KSIR (30 slices) by using Gaussian kernel for regression problemsl
    [Info_five] = KDR(label, inst, '-s 1 -t 2 -p 1 -z 30 -g 0.2');

Usage of UseKDR

[ProjInst] = UseKDR(inst, Info)

Input of UseKDR:

Variable Description
inst testing data inputs
Info results of Kernel Statistics method

Output of UseKDR:

Variable Description
ProjInst the projected instances


  • Get the projected inst form Info_one
    [ProjInst_one] = UseKDR(inst, Info_one);
  • Get the projected inst form Info_four
    [ProjInst_four] = UseKDR(inst, Info_four);

Usage of KPCA

[EigenVectors, EigenValues, ratio] = KPCA(K, NumOfPC);

Input of KPCA:

Variable Description
K kernel matrix (reduced or full)
NumOfPC If NumOfPC= r >= 1, it extracts the first r leading eigenvectors.
If NumOfPC= r < 1, it extracts leading eigenvectors whose sum of eigenvalues is greater than 100*r% of the total sum of eigenvalues.

Output of KPCA:

Variable Description
EigenValues leading eigenvalues
EigenVectors leading eigenvectors
ratio sum of leading eigenvalues over total sum of all eigenvalues.


  • Construct ten PCs via KPCA by using a specific kernel matrix
    [EigenVectors, EigenValues, ratio] = KPCA(K, 10);
  • Construct PCs whose ratio to the total sum is 95%
    [EigenVectors, EigenValues, ratio] = KPCA(K, 0.95);

Usage of KSIR

[EigenVectors, EigenValues, ratio] = KSIR(K, y, NumOfSlice, NumOfPC)

Input of KSIR:

Variable Description
K kernel matrix (reduced or full)
y class labels or responses
NumOfSlice If numerical, it represents the number of slices.
If a string 'Class', the number of slices is equal to number of distinct classes in y.
NumOfPC If NumOfPC= r >= 1, it extracts the first r leading eigenvectors.
If NumOfPC= r < 1, it extracts leading eigenvectors whose sum of eigenvalues is greater than 100*r% of the total sum of eigenvalues.

Output of KSIR:

Variable Description
EigenValues leading eigenvalues
EigenVectors leading eigenvectors
ratio sum of leading eigenvalues over total sum of all eigenvalues.


  • Construct PCs via KSIR for classification by using a specific kernel matrix
    [EigenVectors, EigenValues, ratio] = KSIR(K, y, 'CLASS');
  • Construct two PCs via KSIR for 3-class problem
    [EigenVectors, EigenValues, ratio] = KSIR(K, y, 'CLASS', 2);
  • Construct PCs via KSIR for regression (20 slices)
    [EigenVectors, EigenValues, ratio] = KSIR(K, y, 20);
  • Construct five PCs via KSIR for regression
    [EigenVectors, EigenValues, ratio] = KSIR(K, y, 20, 5);
  • Construct PCs whose ratio to the total sum is 95% via KSIR for regression
    [EigenVectors, EigenValues, ratio] = KSIR(K, y, 20, 0.95);

Dimension Reduction Using KPCA or KSIR with Examples

KPCA procedure

  1. Change your current directory to KStat toolbox folder
  2. Load dataset Ionosphere_dataset.mat (can be found in Kernel Statistics toolbox)
load Ionosphere_dataset.mat
  1. Construct PCs via KPCA
[Info] = KDR([], inst, '-s 0 -t 2 -g 0.1 -p 10');
  1. Read the contents of Info (PCs, eigenvalues, parameters, ...etc)
  1. Get the projected inst form the PCs
[ProjInst] = UseKDR(inst, Info);

KSIR procedure for classification

  1. Change your current directory to KStat toolbox folder
  2. Load dataset Ionosphere_dataset.mat (can be found in Kernel Statistics toolbox)
load Ionosphere_dataset.mat
  1. Construct PCs via KSIR (note that we extracts m-1 PCs for m-class problems)
[Info] = KDR(label, inst, '-s 1 -t 2 -g 0.165 -z 0 -p 1');
  1. Read the contents of Info (PCs, eigenvalues, parameters, ...etc)
  1. Get the projected inst form the PCs
[ProjInst] = UseKDR(inst, Info);

KSIR procedure for regression

  1. Change your current directory to Kernel Statistics toolbox folder
  2. Load dataset Housing_dataset.txt (can be found in Kernel Statistics toolbox)
load Housing_dataset.txt
  1. Split the Housing data into inst and label
inst =Housing_dataset(:,1:13);
label = Housing_dataset(:,14);
  1. Construct PCs via KSIR (note that we usually use 1030 slices and extracts 35 PCs for regression problems)
[Info] = KDR(label, inst, '-s 1 -t 2 -g 0.0037 -z 20 -p 5');
  1. Read the contents of Info (PCs, eigenvalues, parameters, ...etc)
  1. Get the projected inst form the PCs
[ProjInst] = UseKDR(inst, Info);


Kernel Statistics Toolbox






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