The application was created for educational purposes. The project implements Repository and Dependency Injection patterns.
It shouldn't be use for any real business. I don't take any reposibility if you decide to use it for real transactions. Before you do it, make sure the application fulfill security standards.
- Searching / paging / sorting.
- Category and Subcategory system for Products.
- Shopping Cart
- Ordering system
- Payment system (only dotPay available at the moment)
- Individual profile creation
- Profile confirmation system (email unique code)
- Administrators panel
- CRUD operations
- Logging Errors system
- .NET Framework 4.7+
- SQL Server
- IIS 8.0+
- Clone / download repo.
- Run E-Shop-Engine.sln file in VS.
- In folder E-Shop-Engine.Website/App_Data/app.config set your SMTP credentials.
- In folder E-Shop-Engine.Website/App_Data/connectionString.config set your connection string.
- In Package Manager Console run at E-Shop.Engine.Services command:
- Build and run the solution.
- Login at default admin account:
password: Qwerty1!
You can change it at "Your Account" tab. Do it after you set up your SMTP settings at "Admin Panel" - the step below. - Go to "Admin Panel" and at tab Settings update data for your needs.
Application errors are logging in App_Data/logs.
- .NET Framework 4.7
- Entity Framework 6
- ASP.NET Identity 2
- AutoMapper
- AutoFac
- NLog
- X.PagedList
- Bootstrap 4
- jQuery
- There is example DotPay payment implemented.
Go to E-Shop-Engine.Services -> Services -> Payment and create new folder.
There are 2 model classes that payment can inherit from: PaymentDetails (intended to send data to external server) and PaymentResponse (intended to receive data from external server).
Create interface for service that inherit from IPaymentService. Then create the implementation.
public class DotPayPaymentService : IDotPayPaymentService { private static Settings settings; public DotPayPaymentService(ISettingsRepository settingsRepository) { settings = settingsRepository.Get(); } // The implementation... }
Now go to E-Shop-Engine.Website -> Controllers -> Payment and create new Controller.
The controller should inherit from BasePaymentController.
public class DotPayController : BasePaymentController { public DotPayController( IOrderRepository orderRepository, ICartRepository cartRepository, ISettingsRepository settingsRepository, IMailingService mailingService, IDotPayPaymentService paymentService, IAppUserManager userManager, IUnitOfWork unitOfWork) : base( orderRepository, cartRepository, settingsRepository, mailingService, paymentService, userManager, unitOfWork) { // }
Register new payment method in AutoFac (E-Shop-Engine.Website -> App_Start -> AutoFacConfig)
Go to Views -> Payment -> Select and add new payment. Remember to set input element value the same as Controller name
<div class="custom-control custom-checkbox form-control-lg">
<input type="radio" name="paymentMethod" class="custom-control-input" id="dotpay" value="DotPay">
<label class="custom-control-label" for="dotpay">
<img src="~/Content/payment/dotpay_logo.jpg" class="payment-img" />
This project is licensed under MIT License.