This project is an MVP for a micro SaaS application that allows users to record their voice notes, upload audio files and transform them into various textual forms, such as notes of the following types:
- Transcriptions: A cleaned-up script with punctuation.
- Summaries: A concise note summarizing the core ideas of the voice note.
- Lists: A list of main ideas extracted from the voice note.
- Frontend: React & Tailwind CSS
- Backend: Node.js & Express.js (with SQLite database and Stripe payments)
- Record voice notes: Users can record voice notes directly in the app.
- Upload audio files: Users can upload their audio files and create their notes that way.
- Get results: The voice note can be transcribed, summarized, or converted into a list of ideas.
- Upgrade plan: Users can upgrade their plan to get more credits.
- Payments: Allow users to access more credits based on the purchase plan they select.
- Admin dashboard: Add admin functionality to add new plans and manage users manually from the dashboard
- Finish automated tests: Add unit tests for to ensure reliability during future development.
- Deployment: Set up and deploy the API on VPS
git clone
npm install
- Start the backend (Node.js):
node app.js
- Start the frontend (React) after cloning the frontend project and running
npm install
there:npm run dev
Right now the project requires you to create products (plans) manually on the Stripe dashboard (admin dashboard coming soon). After running the server for the first time with the sequelize.sync({ force: true }) (this option is for development purposes only) the database will be initialized (after that you should comment out the sync({ force: true }) and call sync without args as shown in app.js) and you can add you plans like this:
INSERT INTO plan (planType, price, maxUploads, maxRecordingTime)
VALUES ('free', 0.00, 5, 600);
INSERT INTO plan (planType, price, maxUploads, maxRecordingTime, stripeProductId, stripePriceId)
VALUES ('standard', 5.99, 15, 3600, 'prod_stripe_productId', 'price_stripe_priceId');
INSERT INTO plan (planType, price, maxUploads, maxRecordingTime, stripeProductId, stripePriceId)
VALUES ('pro', 7.99, 30, 10800, 'prod_stripe_productId', 'price_stripe_priceId');
If you want to try out the Stripe functionality and listen to events run the server and in another terminal run:
stripe listen --forward-to localhost:3000/payment/webhook
Navigate to http://localhost:5173
(frontend) to use the application or test the API endpoints at http://localhost:3000