DEFOR is a set of programs to identify copy number alternations from tumor/normal pair samples. In this method, both read depth and allele frequency were considered, and it doesn’t rely on the assumption that there are no large-scale CNAs in tumor cells. In the evaluation using a published dataset, DEFOR has better accuracy than the other methods especially in the situation where there are large-scale CNAs in the tumor genome.
git clone
Compile the source code
cd defor make
(Optional) Copy the programs under 'bin' to any folder you like
Download the test dataset and decompress it
wget -O test.tar.gz tar zxf test.tar.gz cd test
Estimate depth ratio for tumor/normal pair
../bin/calc_deprat test_normal.mpileup test_tumor.mpileup > test_normal_tumor.dep
Calculate the allele frequency for both tumor and normal samples
cat test_normal.mpileup | ../script/ -d 30 -f 0.01 -F 0.99 > test_normal.freq cat test_tumor.mpileup | ../script/ -d 30 -f 0.01 -F 0.99 > test_tumor.freq
Estimate allele frequency clusters
../bin/calc_nclust test_normal.freq test_tumor.freq > test_normal_tumor.nclust cat test_normal_tumor.nclust | ../script/ > test_normal_tumor.nclust.seg
Estimate the copy number alterations
../script/ -r test_normal_tumor.dep -c test_normal_tumor.nclust.seg > test_normal_tumor.cna
mpileup format
DEFOR can take the sorted mpileup files as input directly. The mpileup file should be sorted according to the coordinates.
bam or sam files To use the sorted bam or sam files as input, you have two options:
Convert the bam or sam files to mpileup files using samtools, and then use the mpileup file as input. Here is an example:
samtools mpileup -q 10 -d 200 -f hs37d5.fa test_normal.bam > test_normal.mpileup
Pipe the output from samtools to DEFOR programs. Here is an example:
../bin/calc_deprat <(samtools mpileup -q 10 -f hs37d5.fa test_normal.bam) <(samtools mpileup -q 10 -f hs37d5.fa test_tumor.bam) > test_normal_tumor.dep
The final output file from the whole pipeline is composed of six columns. Here is an example:
2 212989532 243175930 loh 1 -0.44
3 6521842 94773340 loh 1 -0.45
3 94773341 96718082 loss 0 -0.64
3 96718083 197947755 normal 2 -0.00
4 143643221 171526951 loh-amp 2 -0.01
4 176649734 191024530 normal 2 0.04
5 5038810 180903064 amp 3 0.38
6 304501 58779245 normal 2 -0.00
The meaning of each column:
- The 1st column: chromosome
- The 2nd column: start position (1-based)
- The 3rd column: end position (1-based)
- The 4th column: copy number event occured in this region
- normal - normal status, copy number is two, no CNA
- loss - loss of both alleles, copy number is zero
- loh - loss of heterozygosity, loss of one allele, copy number is one
- amp - amplification of one or both alleles, copy nubmber is greater than two
- loh-amp - loss of heterozygosity followed by amplification, copy number is two
- The 5th column: the expected copy number if the purity of tumor is 100%
- The 6th column: the observed copy number, the value was normalized as log(copy number / 2)
Usage: calc_deprat [options] mpileup_file_normal mpileup_file_tumor > normal_tumor.dep
-w : window size [1000000]
-s : step size [1000]
-d : minimal depth [10]
-n : maximum iteration [10]
Usage: cat mpileup_file | [options] > [normal/tumor].freq
-d : minimum depth to report [30]
-f : minimum allele frequency [0.01]
-F : maximum allele frequency [0.99]
Usage: calc_nclust [options] normal.freq tumor.freq > normal_tumor.nclust
-w : window size [1000000]
-f : minimum allele frequency [0.05]
-F : maximum allele frequency [0.95]
-I : maximum iteration [10]
Usage: [options] -i normal_tumor.nclust > test_normal_tumor.nclust.seg
-d : minimum allele frequency difference to distinguish two clusters [0.1]
-f : low allele frequency cutoff [0.1]
-F : high allele frequency cutoff [0.9]
-m : lower cutoff of mean frequency for the middle cluster [0.45]
-M : higher cutoff of mean frequency for the middle cluster [0.6]
-v : verbose level [0]
Usage: [options] -r normal_tumor.dep -c normal_tumor.nclust.seg > normal_tumor.cna
-D : minimum allele frequency difference to distinguish two clusters [0.15]
-m : lower cutoff of mean frequency for the middle cluster [0.45]
-M : higher cutoff of mean frequency for the middle cluster [0.6]
-v : verbose level [0]
- He Zhang (
- Xiaowei Zhan
- Yang Xie
- University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Any questions or comments can be sent to He Zhang (