A fork of iljapostnovs/VSCodeUI5Plugin with changes to the XML formatter and removal of features which are also present in sap/ui5-language-assistant.
Before you start working with the plugin, it will be useful to set formatOnSave setting in VSCode preferences:
"editor.formatOnSave": true
The reason for it is described in Known limitations
Strings for import in sap.ui.define are provided.
IDs from the corresponding view of the controller are provided for view.byId or controller.byId method
Completion items which are generated dynamically depending on current variable type or method return value type. Trigger character - dot.
Schema for manifest.json properties is added.
Definitions for custom methods are provided.
Hotkey: Ctrl + Left Click
Definitions for event handlers are provided.
Hotkey: Ctrl + Left Click
Code Lens for Internalization Texts is provided
XML Diagnostics is provided
There are two linters available:
- Attribute linter, which checks for property existence, value, prefix existence, event handler existence, class existence
- Unused namespace linter
Related preference entries: ui5.plugin.xmlDiagnostics
You can define diagnostic exceptions using ui5.plugin.JSLinterExceptions preference entry.
JS Diagnostics is provided
There are five linters available:
- Wrong field/method usage linter
- Wrong custom class name linter
- Wrong import path linter
- Unused method linter
- Wrong parameter usage in the methods linter, which checks for parameter quantity and data type
Use jsdoc to make your parameters optional, e.g.
/** *@param {string} [sOptionalString] - optional string param *@param {string} sMandatoryString - mandatory string param */
Related preference entries:
Code Actions for UI5 modules import and inserting non-existent methods in .js files are provided.
Hotkey: Alt + Enter
XML Formatter is available.
Hotkey: F5
Related preference entries: ui5.plugin.moveDefineToFunctionParametersOnAutocomplete
Set your position to the string you want to export to i18n.properties file and execute command. Works both in XML and JS files.
method which returns ResourceBundle should be defined in Controller/BaseController
Related preference entries:
Hotkey: F4
Goes to view from controller and to controller from view
Hotkey: F3
Inserts the class name into current position
Hotkey: F6
Clears cache with SAPUI5 lib metadata
Inserts initial text for .js and .xml files
Extends "sap/ui/core/mvc/Controller" if file name ends with .controller.js and "sap/ui/base/ManagedObject" if file name ends with .js
Extension listens for .js file creation event (rename technically is file deletion and creation) and replaces all occurrences of class name to the new one
UML Class diagram can be generated either for currently active document or for the whole project.
The generated diagram can be imported to draw.io
Hotkey | Command |
Alt + Enter | Quick Fix Action |
F3 | Switch View/Controller |
F4 | Export string to i18n |
F5 | Move sap.ui.define imports to parameters |
F6 | Insert custom class name |
16 settings are available for extension configuration:
- Standard SAPUI5 Library Metadata is fetched from ui5.sap.com and saved locally
- Extension is working for 1.60+ UI5 library versions
If you are using different versions, you might meet an unexpected behavior if the structure of the standard lib metadata is different
Custom class metadata is dynamically generated using .js and view.xml files of the project.
There are several types of variable definitions:
- Class Fields
Algorithm looks for all definitions in the functions of the object which is returned in
return AnyUI5Class.extend("name", {/*here*/})
- Function parameters
function(oEvent) {}
Only way to find out the data type of the function parameter is JSDoc. Use
@param {UI5Class} UI5ClassParameter - description
if you want completion items to work for function params.
The same goes for function return data type. Use@returns {UI5Class} UI5ClassVariable - description
if you want completion items to work for function return.
- Local variables
function() {
var oList = new List();
- File starts with sap.ui.define
- Your class body is in AnyUI5Class.extend("name", {here});
- You have manifest.json in source folder
- App ID (Component name) and i18n paths are defined in manifest.json
- File is without syntax errors
- Name of the class of the UI5Class is the same as file path. (E.g. "/src/control/Text.js" => "anycomponentname.control.Text")
- You have an access to ui5.sap.com for standard lib metadata preload
If HTTP_PROXY or HTTPS_PROXY environment variables are set, ui5.sap.com will be requested using the proxy.
acorn-loose is used as JS parser. It has issues if you have mixed spaces and tabs. Example:
function() {
var oModel = this.getModel();
var asd;
There is an unnecessary space before var oModel
and acorn is parsing it incorrectly.
As a result - the file will not be parsed as expected and you might not get JS completion items and get errors in xml views regarding wrong values for event handlers.
Keep your code clean, it will help you to have the plugin working correctly :)
It's highly recommended to set formatting on save in your VS Code preferences, it will help to avoid such issues.
"editor.formatOnSave": true