Seme WebStack is a Container which already has Nginx and PHP-FPM version 7.x. This container is used for development and production processes for the container based server.
This tutorial in English. For Tutorial dalam bahasa Indonesia open this link.
Here is the list of version change log.
Change default PHP-FPM container to 7.4
This is initial version.
Here is the explanation for file and directory structure:
|-- code (directory for php source code)
|---- index.php (contain only phpinfo for testing purpose)
|- conf (Directory for configuration)
|- php
|---- Dockerfile (Dockerfile for PHP-FPM image)
|- docker-compose.yml (File for NGINX and docker-compose configuration)
|- license.txt
|- (readme for Bahasa)
|- (readme for English)
Before doing anything, first download and install latest version of docker.
This is the way of download and install SEME_WebStack.
Please make sure you have already installed git for you computer.
We assumed you want to installed on drive D.
Run this command from terminal, CMD or CMDER.
git clone
cd seme_webstack
Please make sure you have already installed git for you computer.
We assumed you want to installed on current user home directory.
Run this command from terminal.
git clone
cd seme_webstack
After clone or download we have to build PHP-FPM image. This process will take a while depends on your internet connection and your computer specification.
On inside seme_webstack directory, run this command.
cd php
docker build -t seme_webstack_php .
Site back and relax because this process will takes more times than you wanted.
After building PHP image completed, back to seme_webstack directory by executing this command and then execute docker compose.
cd ..
docker-compose up
After docker compose finished, you can try open http://localhost/ to see the container already started or not.
for using this container you can combine the source code by using git submodule
or copy paste
directly to inside code
We assuming you install seme_webstack same way with download and install section.
Please run this from terminal, CMD, or CMDER.
cd seme_webstack
RMDIR /Q/S code
git submodule code
Please run this command from terminal.
cd seme_webstack
rm -fr code
git submodule code
This project under licensed on MIT more information of license can be found on license.txt