Releases: drmacro/slidinator
First Plugin Release: Fixed Bug in Output File Location
This release provides a working Map-to-PPTX Open Toolkit plugin. The plugin has been tested from the command line with the 1.7.5 and 1.8.5 Toolkits. The input is a DITA map, the output is a Powerpoint PPTX file.
RC02 fixes a bug with a bad Ant parameter and fixes a bug with the logic for constructing the output file location.
NOTE: You must turn off RNG default attribute support in Oxygen in order to run this from Oxygen (most people will not have this option turned on). This dependency should be addressed in the Open Toolkit 2.0.
The command line looks like:
ant -Dtranstype=pptx
NOTE: This plugin depends plugins from the GitHub DITA for Publishers project. You can download the plugins here: