This project provides a generator of fluent extension functions for mapstruct mappers.
data class EmployeeModel(val firstName: String? = null)
data class EmployeeView(val firstName: String? = null)
abstract class EmployeeMapper {
abstract fun toEmployeeView(employeeModel: EmployeeModel): EmployeeView
val employee = EmployeeView("Alex")
employee.toEmployeeView() == Mappers.getMapper(
data class EmployeeModel(val firstName: String? = null)
data class EmployeeView(val firstName: String? = null)
@Mapper(componentmodel = "spring")
abstract class EmployeeMapper {
abstract fun toEmployeeView(employeeModel: EmployeeModel): EmployeeView
Calling the generated extension function
class Service {
fun a() {
val model = EmployeeModel("Alex")
val view = employee.toEmployeeView()
is the same as manually using the mapper's Spring bean
class Service(
private val mapper: EmployeeMapper
) {
fun a() {
val model = EmployeeModel("Alex")
val view = mapper.toEmployeeView(employee)
This project is available on the Maven Central repository.
Add this to your project's build.gradle
dependencies {
annotationProcessor 'com.driver733.mapstruct-fluent:processor:1.0.3'
implementation 'com.driver733.mapstruct-fluent:processor:1.0.3'
annotationProcessor 'com.driver733.mapstruct-fluent:processor-spring:1.0.3'
implementation 'com.driver733.mapstruct-fluent:processor-spring:1.0.3'
Apply the
plugin.plugins { id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.kapt") version "1.3.72" }
Add this to your project's
:dependencies { kapt("com.driver733.mapstruct-fluent:processor:1.0.3") implementation("com.driver733.mapstruct-fluent:processor:1.0.3") kapt("com.driver733.mapstruct-fluent:processor-spring:1.0.3") implementation("com.driver733.mapstruct-fluent:processor-spring:1.0.3") }
Add this to your project's pom.xml
JDK, preferably >= v. 1.8
./gradlew clean build
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Releases to the Maven Central repository are automatically made on each commit on the master branch with the help of the semantic-release.
- Create an issue and describe your problem/suggestion in it.
- Submit a pull request with a reference to the issue that the pull request closes.
- I will review your changes and merge them.
- A new version with your changes will be released automatically right after merging.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags.
- Mikhail @driver733 Yakushin - Initial work
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.