This is a Python tool for hiding a secret message in a tabulated file ( e.g: CSV file ) . It works by swapping blocks of 6 lines, each capable of storing 1 bytes ( 6! > 255 bits )
The dataframe is first sorted by the computed hash of each line. HMAC is also supported if you provide a password. This method does not alter the data, but the watermark is easily sterilized.
pip install steganodf
steganodf encode -i iris.csv -o iris.w.csv -m hello -p password
steganodf decode -i iris.w.csv -p password
import steganodf
df = pd.read_csv("")
# Hide your message
new_df = steganodf.encode_pandas(df, "made by steganodf", password="secret")
# Extract your message
message = steganodf.decode_pandas(df, password="secret")