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This is a tiny IPFS PubSub application built in Golang and is less than 130 lines of code. It allows you to write Python 3.7
code in the browser send the code and the input to IPFS pubsub, which another listening device in the channel then picks up and executes using AWS's Lambda Docker container.
Web UI for Python 3.7 code
Send code and event in Base64 to IPFS pubsub channel
Lambda Docker listens to pubsub channel
Docker executes code and returns to IPFS pubsub result channel
Server listen to response channel and sends compute result to web UI
Make channel changable from UI
Stop panic on code execute failure
Allow user to deploy code to IPFS as file
Allow compute app to execute file contents and not just pubsub message
Please install the dependencies
docker - version 18.09.1
go - go1.11.5
ipfs - version 0.4.18
Also you'll need to fetch the AWS Lambda Docker at,
To get the image just run:
docker pull lambci/lambda:python3.7
First we need to make sure we can connect to a IPFS gateway that has PubSub enabled. The app is looking for a gateway at http://localhost:5001
so please use go-ipfs
to start a local node. check out to get IPFS setup on your computer.
Now start the deamon with the pubsub flag enabled.
ipfs daemon --enable-pubsub-experiment
Now, we can start out app that uses IPFS's new gen protocols.
git clone
cd ipfs-pubsub-compute
Running precompiled binary (on OSX)
Run go
source files files, you'll need to go get
a few libraries
go run execute.go server.go
The application is available at