Mail server now logs in links.log which activation link and their status
Mail server can be ran in log mode with java -jar KinanCity-mail-1.3.2-SNAPSHOT.jar log
In that mode, no calls are made to activate the accounts but all links get puts in links.log
Mail server can be used to help us find the right timing settings to avoid 503 errors
Run it with java -jar KinanCity-mail-1.3.2-SNAPSHOT.jar test
which will start making request with a long delay until it starts failing, then call it again until it respond backs.
Then share your results
Please dont go to PTC web page in anyway while you run it (not in browser, not with kinan)
Default thread number has been set to 3
You can set your own period for proxy rotations. If you want to change from 5 accounts per 16 minutes to another value
you can change proxyPolicy.custom.period=11 in the config file